Cutting off after a long high speed run

Today I was returning to my dock, and was running at mid throttle (the ski was moving pretty fast though), this was held for some minutes, when suddenly the ski kinda bogged and cut out.....

I started again, and threw it into Reserve thinking I was low on fuel.....but, after getting back to my dock, I noticed the gas was on the middle of the tank.......:shocked:

Could it have been a seizure? the ski otherwise runs great.....the ski is an almost new 08 SJ with only a B pipe with the 135 main jets and settings as most of you in the forum....carb base gasket is also new (changed it when I installed the jets).....I was not running WOT, it was mid throttle on glass smooth water......I had been giving it LOTS of WOT runs for several minutes today and it ran it possible for it to be lean at the mid range with the 135 jets???

I will check the vent tomorrow and fuel filter, but if anyone has any other input I will appreciate!
Pull the spark plugs and post a picture.....that will tell you a lot. You can look down in the plug holes at the piston tops too. Post pics and get some useful answers
Pulled the plugs, but they were very black because my dock has an almost half mile of no wake zone so the ski gets a little rich after this low speed. There werent any strange things on the electrodes, though, and the piston heads looked OK only with some carbon.....
I just came back from riding.....I borrowed a compresion gauge from the shop, both cilinders show good compresion (160 and 158-9 psi) so the bores should be OK. I went out riding giving good WOT and it run fine, I am suspecting the problem was in the gas tank vent, with the hose getting a little kinked between the b pipe chamber and the waterhose or something......the fuel filter is new (the ski is new, only 10-12 tanks) and the fuel inside the filter was clean, not 1 drop of water....

I will try the jet in the return line if this happens again...
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