Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yeah, and notice how you don't have one WFO, even though you always claim to be a troublemaker, yet have never been banned?

Did you ever think that maybe , just maybe I know just exactly where the line is and stay just shy of it,its more fun that way, after all its really hard to start crap when you are banned, ask Charlie about that one. What I find really hilarious is that its almost like you are daring me to do something to get banned, while I can see how that would work out for you, I don't seem to bode to well in that circumstance.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Terry loves the drama too much to get banned. He needs it, or he'd have to seek therapy.

Damn skippy !



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