Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

The dealer makes way more money on a lease than selling a car, so how could you get a better deal?

If you had haggled, you could have gotten the same deal by buying the truck as the lease. Just because your total is less than **sticker price** doesn't mean it's a better deal, it just means you got a better deal than sticker. If you had the money when you walked in there, you could get a way better deal than sticker price for sure.

The "deal" wasn't really in the hands of the dealer, it had to do with the factory incentives. For a purchase I could choose between 0% financing OR a $3000 rebate, but with the factory lease program I basically got 0% interest (0.1% actually) and a significant rebate and I negotiated off the sticker price. Most people don't know that you can negotiate a lease just like a purchase. All the places where dealers like to hide lease profits are the same places that I saved money.

X2Rags, I feel ya. I am in the same situation with my 4-wheeler that you are in with your bike. In the long run I feel like I am better off keeping it since one it would be paid for and two I wouldn't be taking the loss. What happened was I bought it new. You should always just save up and pay cash just like Dave says to do. Let someone else take the loss.

yeah i bought new, it was the first time i have done this and deff the last time i go through a dealer. i just wanted a new one that hadnt had the piss ran out of it and mis treated, but a new crank and top end is cheaper then a new bike.


Grand Rapids, MI
Here we go. I've been waiting a long time to post this.

we are DEBT FREE!!!!!

Total pay off was just over $33,500. We paid off the last dime of my student loan on Monday. It took us 24-1/2 months, and we were competing with SuperJETT and his wife (we lost). We didn't even really slice our lifestyle to the bone (like we should have). We went on a camping trip, and I built a squarenose conversion with an 8mm Lamey stroker in it. The debt was some of my car, some money I owed my parents for school, a HELOC (I own my grass now!!) and my student loan.

Man, freedom feels goooooood!!!!!!!


So long and thanks for all the fish
What a sweet feeling!!!

Oh and I'm deaf in my left ear after the phone call last night...

Here we go. I've been waiting a long time to post this.

we are DEBT FREE!!!!!

Total pay off was just over $33,500. We paid off the last dime of my student loan on Monday. It took us 24-1/2 months, and we were competing with SuperJETT and his wife (we lost). We didn't even really slice our lifestyle to the bone (like we should have). We went on a camping trip, and I built a squarenose conversion with an 8mm Lamey stroker in it. The debt was some of my car, some money I owed my parents for school, a HELOC (I own my grass now!!) and my student loan.

Man, freedom feels goooooood!!!!!!!


JM781 Big Bore
Awesome!! Another one joins the debt free society. Ain't it great? The best part is ahead of you once you start seeing how much more quickly you can increase your emergency fund, load up your 401K or IRA, or pay down your mortgage.

Great job!


Jet Ski Junkie
Waiting for homes to go even lower before I pull the trigger on another investment property. My 2nd home is paid off so I am technically debt free again and I am in a good position to purchase more real estate with plenty for a down payment and lots of inventory to chose from. Business has really taken off again for me after a 2 month slow down (not dead just slower than the past couple of years). I am in construction but don't deal with tract homes. Custom homes baby. They are still building them like crazy in SoCal. I love movie stars, rock stars, lawyers, doctors and politicians in L.A. :)


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Completely credit card debt free,
right now only money I owe is mortgage and car loan @ 4.9%. Trying to build a new ski without tapping credit. Will sell some stuff to helpl the funding, so far so good!!!!!

Jett, this thread inspired me to stay debt free, thanks for the incentive!!!!!!! I might not reshape the way I handle money... I would like too, but I am realistic. I am making every effort to not take on ANY (ANY ANY ANY) CREDIT/STUPID CONSUMER debt!!! I am also talking to my mortgage lender to try to refinance to a 15YEAR mortgage. I am just waiting for rate to drop below 5%. (Currently 5.125%, waiting for 4.8%)
Last edited:


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Shawn you must make some serious $$$ each year because I know you have put some money into those skis! And that latest fiberglass investment was a good bit too. I have been putting off my build for three years now because I am buying it a part here and there.

Congrats on not having credit card debt!


So long and thanks for all the fish
I updated my first post, I've had several people pm or e-mail me for advice, and it's spread through this thread so I will try to consolidate things in the first post some.


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
I just made a $2,500 payment on the 4runner. We are shooting to have it paid off by the end of year. Early next year at the latest. This economy stimulator should knock another good chunk off. we owe 6500 on it right now.
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