Dayoop's Hood Mod


Warsaw, IN
So people have, not sure what size of tubes they used. Also from what i've seen they used flexible tubing to route the air, not pvc pipe. Seems like a better option.


like everyone has said....
  1. remove the god damn liner, or we will hunt you down and kill you
  2. get rid of the stupid f'ing PVC crap
  3. epoxy cups around the damn handholds or we will kill you
  4. get a piece of UHMW plastic and cut it to fit (be careful to not bow the sides of the hood out when you insert the liner, or we will kick your dog
  5. use panel bond (liquid nails) to secure the liner, for gods sake
  6. mother of god please drill a couple 2" holes w/ a hole saw
  7. then if you don't put 2 freaking spa tubes in the bitch for air we will hunt you down and clip your nuts..
thanks you and good day.... I said good day :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

in other words, just listen to us... we've been down this road before.. We are telling you what works, if ya don't listen that's up to you, but were just trying to help ya


I like square
Marquette, MI
k I know that but since I closed the vents and front holes where will my vent holes be with my handholds closed, and im in such a rush because its summer and I know whats it like to not have a ski workin in thr summer as most of you have prpbably had in the past.


New York Crew
Western New York
yamaslut said:
good day.... I said good day :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

That cracked me up bro... nothin like a little Fez to start your day. :biggrin:

I was a little timid with doing a hood mod at first, but let me tell ya... it wasn't bad at all... do like Slutty said and you'll be a happy camper. :biggthumpup:


DaUpJetSkier said:
k I know that but since I closed the vents and front holes where will my vent holes be with my handholds closed, and im in such a rush because its summer and I know whats it like to not have a ski workin in thr summer as most of you have prpbably had in the past.

The water will drain out of the rear corners of the hood, ya know under the flanges... do a search for "yamaslut hood mod".... all the pics and info are there... I don't have my hard drive w/ me, or I would repost them for you... good luck an dfeel free to PM if you have any questions... :biggrin:


salty nuts
coastal GA
Obviously you did not look at the pics of mine either. I just cut one 1 1/2 - 2 inch hole in the back of the hood for air in addition to the 2 rear drain holes; it flows plenty of air.
Run the spa tubes up through the liner to the top of the hood on the inside. That way the hood has to completly fill up before water comes down the air tubes. :biggthumpup:
To me the harder part was smoothing out the top and front vents, so you've done the hard part. The liner does not have to look wonderful. I chipped through the hood when remving the stock liner with a chisel, so you might want to do that before paint.
didnt look at the pix i posted on THIS THREAD either!!!! dude, look at my hood! it doesnt show the inside, but its not rocket science...

sluttys telling you to use UMHW (ultra high molecular weigh plastic) aka Kydex...

this is the ONLY part of the hood mod that you have a choice in...

nick uses kydex
andy (wab) used the plastic panels that go over flourescent lighting and glassed over them
I used fiberglass wall paneling from home depot....

it may suck that your ski is not ready the first week of summer, but if it runs like crap all summer then whats the point!?!?!?!?!?


South Jersey
yamaslut said:
like everyone has said....
  1. remove the god damn liner, or we will hunt you down and kill you
  2. get rid of the stupid f'ing PVC crap
  3. epoxy cups around the damn handholds or we will kill you
  4. get a piece of UHMW plastic and cut it to fit (be careful to not bow the sides of the hood out when you insert the liner, or we will kick your dog
  5. use panel bond (liquid nails) to secure the liner, for gods sake
  6. mother of god please drill a couple 2" holes w/ a hole saw
  7. then if you don't put 2 freaking spa tubes in the bitch for air we will hunt you down and clip your nuts..
thanks you and good day.... I said good day :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

in other words, just listen to us... we've been down this road before.. We are telling you what works, if ya don't listen that's up to you, but were just trying to help ya

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


I like square
Marquette, MI
where can I get this sort of plastic or stuff to make the new liner out of? or is it really up to me as far as what I can find to make a solid surface. When you say liquid nails, isnt that a company so what kind do I need to seal everthing up.


What you are doing with the pvc is what Blowsion reccomends when you use their hood liner. But it is $200 and is pretty much just a flat piece that goes across the bottom, you can make the same thing for about 5 bucks. Anouther plus about removing that liner is you will lose the majority of the weight. Just do what slutty so elequently described above.
SUPERJET-113 said:
Its not Rocket surgery!


nor is it brain science!!!! :sneaky:

kydex (UMHW)---a plastics shop (can be hard to find)
fiberglass wall panel--depot 4x8 sheet--20 bucks, enough to do 4 liners
plastic flouresent light covers--depot--5 bucks + glass

panel bond/liquid nails--just use one thats waterproof (its one of the only things that will adhere to all these materials AND to the hood itself)--2 tubes will be plenty...from depot 2.50/tube

make sure to let the panel bond cure for at LEAST a week INSIDE in a low humidity area...

I think the horse is sniffing the water, not sure if he's gonig to drink yet..


(are you sorry you posted this thread yet? :biggrin: :biggrin:
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I like square
Marquette, MI
haha, the horse is thirsty. im finishing turf today gonna ride sunday with it how it is, I know I know it may work may not, but during next week I will probably start. Atleast i'll know if my way worked or not. thanks for the help.


DaUpJetSkier said:
haha, the horse is thirsty. im finishing turf today gonna ride sunday with it how it is, I know I know it may work may not, but during next week I will probably start. Atleast i'll know if my way worked or not. thanks for the help.

some day grashopper.... you will catch the fly
:biggthumpup: :smile:


DaUpJetSkier said:
haha, the horse is thirsty. im finishing turf today gonna ride sunday with it how it is, I know I know it may work may not, but during next week I will probably start. Atleast i'll know if my way worked or not. thanks for the help.

some day grasshopper... you will catch the fly :biggthumpup: :smile:


I like square
Marquette, MI
Well just thought id post on this topic after I started riding again due to a shoulder injury, ive been riding the ski for a few weeks now and basically no problems with the current hood mod setup, I was going to fix it and do it like most have done but didnt get around to it during recovery. I fixed an electrics problem which I thought was due to the hood taking too much water, but they were not associated. Ive been doing stabs and some deep subs and no engine bogging down, After some tricks ill keep the bilge on a while but I can usually go into a trick right after. Only thing i cant do is long fountains but I could care less about them anyway, so there my conclusion, someday will fix it to take on no water but i'll prob have a round by then anyways.
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