Daytona... How could it have been better for you????



the event was incredible and I was thankful to be apart of it.
I hope above sounded ok.

Good stuff, sign me up for that fun Every year. :headbang:


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
A great event, hats off to all who worked to make it happen....Nick you're the MAN Bro!:hail:

Also great that everyone acted responsibly at the beach & hotel. Good publicity!

Ollie does raise a valid point about knowing who's who. Yes, I know lots of locals, but had no clue who some were. Maybe if we have a nominal registration fee it could include a Hydroturf hat, & the rider's X-H2o name & ~real~ name, & maybe state could be printed on it?


More Brap Please
south jersey
SkiDaddy said:
A great event, hats off to all who worked to make it happen....Nick you're the MAN Bro!:hail:

Also great that everyone acted responsibly at the beach & hotel. Good publicity!

Ollie does raise a valid point about knowing who's who. Yes, I know lots of locals, but had no clue who some were. Maybe if we have a nominal registration fee it could include a Hydroturf hat, & the rider's X-H2o name & ~real~ name, & maybe state could be printed on it?[/QUOTE

You could put the SUR#'s on there too

I'm just thinking out loud here, but doesn't registering mean that we're organized? I'm affraid that we can only do so much before we're considered an organized group and have to have permits and insurance and stuff. Name tags would be great and maybe we could "sell" sponsor packs that are pre ordered to include custom name tags and the things that skidaddy and others mentioned. I'm sure there are ways around most of this, but we need to be carefull because someone could accidentally be assuming some liability if we go too much further. Maybe someone wants to look into what it takes to be semi-organized. Maybe a paypal fund to buy some time with a lawyer would be in order here.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
As soon as you label this an "Organized Event" you will have to draw permits, Liability Insurance etc (this just went from inexpensive to very expensive)................ Some of the ideas are good, but not what these rides are about.............. as far as a buildoff goes, If it gonna happen, it will be at Lanier since it started there unless everybody choose to make it somewhere else............ There were T Shirts for sale at the Daytona ride..... I personally dont want to see these event commercialized (See line about permits and liability insurance) These rides came about so peeps could hook up and ride with guys and girls that they have never met, or rarely see........... they are also great that other than your travel expense you do not have to pay ENTRY FEES (Those of us who compete and race can tell you how much extra this adds to the bill)..... I really like the name that these events have taken on --------- FREERIDE EVENTS (Free To Ride Events)............ just my 2 cents..........


Just plain me....
bigkahuna said:
As soon as you label this an "Organized Event" you will have to draw permits, Liability Insurance etc (this just went from inexpensive to very expensive)................ Some of the ideas are good, but not what these rides are about.............. as far as a buildoff goes, If it gonna happen, it will be at Lanier since it started there unless everybody choose to make it somewhere else............ There were T Shirts for sale at the Daytona ride..... I personally dont want to see these event commercialized (See line about permits and liability insurance) These rides came about so peeps could hook up and ride with guys and girls that they have never met, or rarely see........... they are also great that other than your travel expense you do not have to pay ENTRY FEES (Those of us who compete and race can tell you how much extra this adds to the bill)..... I really like the name that these events have taken on --------- FREERIDE EVENTS (Free To Ride Events)............ just my 2 cents..........

Well put.....It takes a lot of money just for some folks to get to where ever they are riding, then you add food & lodging on top of that. Once some people have paid for that, they're tapped. A registration fee is going to turn a lot of people off.


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
I agree we need to stay non-organized.

If we want to go low budget & non-organized we could just slap a nametag sticker on our skis w/our screen names on 'em.
I'm going to have to get with the DNR before the Riot Ride this year.
They where blown away at the amount of riders that showed up last year. :bigeyes:
However they did tell me we must get with them when we do it again. I dont think we will have to pay any fee's or insurance. If we charged riders to attend then we would get into all that crap.
These rides must remain free for all to attend or it would ruin the whole vibe they have. Companies who sponsor/contribute shwag for these events get the best thing they can buy.... Rider loyalty. We notice who is out there supporting the sport. :wink:


I'm not saying to make the event commercial ... I'm just saying that it would be a good idea to make sure the sponsors get something out of putting some money up. We all know there's not much cash in this game anyway, so we should really make sure the people who are supporting the rides get the exposure they deserve ...

And, whether anyone wants to admit it, this event was "organized". It might not have been sanctioned, but it was organized for sure. You can call it whatever you want ... but when you have a booth on the beach selling raffle tickets, banners hanging from balconys, stickers for the event, and 100 skis with full trailer setups on the beach when there are normally 4 guys on any given weekend ... it's organized.

We're basically just playing with words ... but if you don't want a "registration fee" for some bag full of sponsor goodies, then call it a "donation to charity" which goes to the junior life guards, and give people back the bag as a gift in appreciation. This happens all the time in the fundraising field and you can avoid the whole "registration" name. But, it's the same $hit either way ;)

For sure, it would be nice to have some way to know who people were ... I knew the locals, but not many other people.


Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
retroicon said:
I'm not saying to make the event commercial ... I'm just saying that it would be a good idea to make sure the sponsors get something out of putting some money up. We all know there's not much cash in this game anyway, so we should really make sure the people who are supporting the rides get the exposure they deserve ...
I know where I'll be spending my money......

retroicon said:
For sure, it would be nice to have some way to know who people were ... I knew the locals, but not many other people.

Name tags :biggrin:...............Joking.....

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
retroicon said:
I'm not saying to make the event commercial ... I'm just saying that it would be a good idea to make sure the sponsors get something out of putting some money up. We all know there's not much cash in this game anyway, so we should really make sure the people who are supporting the rides get the exposure they deserve ...

The sponsors are getting something out of this......... our support........ who am I gonna buy finger throttles from XMetal or UMI??? Xmetal, why, because they were there......... What about Mats for my ski????????? AP Designs or Hydroturf???????? Hydroturf...... they were there.......... The riders that were there will remember what sponsors did kick in swag......... But you got to remember, who keeps the sponsors in business (Hydroturf, X Metal, WCF.........) We Do...........

And, whether anyone wants to admit it, this event was "organized". It might not have been sanctioned, but it was organized for sure. You can call it whatever you want ... but when you have a booth on the beach selling raffle tickets, banners hanging from balconys, stickers for the event, and 100 skis with full trailer setups on the beach when there are normally 4 guys on any given weekend ... it's organized.

Excuse my wording, you are correct, it was organized......... just not sanctioned........ that is what we dont want to do happen.......... If I wanted to go through all the signing up, entry fee's etc......... I will go to the races........wait, I already do ;)

We're basically just playing with words ... but if you don't want a "registration fee" for some bag full of sponsor goodies, then call it a "donation to charity" which goes to the junior life guards, and give people back the bag as a gift in appreciation. This happens all the time in the fundraising field and you can avoid the whole "registration" name. But, it's the same $hit either way ;)

Uh, instead of doing a bag of goodies, they just raffled off some stuff, made it more fun.......... you got to realize, all this stuff takes up a lot of time and energy......... we do these events for fun........ When you start making more work, the fun goes away......... Nick and Pete put in tons of hours just for this event, I can tell you from experience, it wipes you out......... Not trying to slam your ideas, but they just dont really apply here........

For sure, it would be nice to have some way to know who people were ... I knew the locals, but not many other people.

I agree with you here, but even when you do know alot of people you can not find the time to go hunt them down, unless you dont plan to ride!!!!!!!!! But that is ok.......:Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :arms:


Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
retroicon said:
I'm not saying to make the event commercial ... I'm just saying that it would be a good idea to make sure the sponsors get something out of putting some money up. We all know there's not much cash in this game anyway, so we should really make sure the people who are supporting the rides get the exposure they deserve ...

i'm confused (not hard to do really but thats another topic)...didn't all of the riders already have to pay a fee to ride that weekend? was money not raised for the junior lifeguards? personally, i dont' really feel the need to give sponsor money to the hotel (they made plenty off of a ton of their rooms being booked during the offseason right?), and i think most of us thanked our weekend sponsor (the sports grille) very well...

can someone explain to me (cause i could be wrong) when it became the norm for a "sponsor" to put money into an event like this (what i would consider a "not for profit" event) and expect a return? i thought that at an event such as this you, as the sponsor, threw in money to have your name there, to either build brand awareness, customer loyalty, or [insert marketing term here], not to make money on the deal. now individuals like yamaslut and pankake who threw their own money into either buying pizzas for everybody or whatever, yeah i would fully expect them to try and at the very least recoup that money but for the companies would this not fall under that wonderful grey area of "marketing expenses"?

i love the vibe that goes on at these freerides and i'm sorry but i think the points you brought up, while some were good, would do alot to take away from that. the "hey, we are gonna go nuts this weekend in [insert location], c'mon and join us" attitude is one of the coolest things going for this sport right now, and some of the ideas you are talking about would hurt that, from the aspect that it is individuals organizing the freerides right now. i think if the larger companies stepped up and started putting together freerides then most of what you brought up before is very valid...[insert hint here]:biggrin:


retroicon said:
I'm not saying to make the event commercial ... I'm just saying that it would be a good idea to make sure the sponsors get something out of putting some money up. We all know there's not much cash in this game anyway, so we should really make sure the people who are supporting the rides get the exposure they deserve ...

And, whether anyone wants to admit it, this event was "organized". It might not have been sanctioned, but it was organized for sure. You can call it whatever you want ... but when you have a booth on the beach selling raffle tickets, banners hanging from balconys, stickers for the event, and 100 skis with full trailer setups on the beach when there are normally 4 guys on any given weekend ... it's organized.

We're basically just playing with words ... but if you don't want a "registration fee" for some bag full of sponsor goodies, then call it a "donation to charity" which goes to the junior life guards, and give people back the bag as a gift in appreciation. This happens all the time in the fundraising field and you can avoid the whole "registration" name. But, it's the same $hit either way ;)

For sure, it would be nice to have some way to know who people were ... I knew the locals, but not many other people.

When it comes down to it. All the sponsors that gave DO get something back. I shipped out Daytona Shirts to thank them. I promote them as well as Nick and others, also I keep intouch with them to see if things were ordered from site in the last week after event. Hopefully they will get some business for all the Giveing they do. I sure as **** order from all of them to show my thanks and support. They support my peoples. I support them, Alot of people think the sport is bigger than it is. We just started growing the Freeride movement, If I ask for 6 boxes of free **** all the time for 5-6 FREE-RIDE events and they get nothing back. You will see the Give outs get smaller. they got a bunch of return from the Rager and I am sure will see some activity from Daytona. that is not the point but that is how companies work as well. They want product to get to others besides BIG sponsored Racers. This Freeride movement is growing at a casual Fun pace. If we rush it to much it will come crashing down. IMO. It is going good and will be fun.
I personally could careless about the gifts and givewaways, It was priceless for me to do a backflip, walk 15' feet aand talk to Laurel, joe,taylor Curtis, Ross C, go ride with Nick and Paul, drink a beer hang out.
For me I could careless if companies Backed this at all. It is the People that matter to me. I have meet more incredible people and Love the sport just for the fun and the people. Thank you Fellow Riders... YAHOO !:arms:


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
As a rider/sponsor, I get way more in the sport/freeride than anyone could imagine. It's not all about money like most would want to think.
The sport is growing super fast, The life long recognition is far more valuable than some $$$ in the bank. I personaly do stand-up & freerides for the love of it. Helping someone have a great day is a great big THANK YOU!

Not to be overstepping my bounds, but I belive most of the sponsors feel the same. Most were there all weekend to RIDE!! I did a lot of wrenching, but I didn't charge for anyof it, I also sold a bunch of parts, I did that just to keep people riding, I sold everything at really low prices. Profit wasn't my intension.

Yes this was probably the most organised, independent event in history.
The guys who set it up Did it for the "love of the sport"
I belive it should always be that way. Let it grow, but keep it simple!

Again, Nick , Pete, Their wives & others involved..... Well Done!


Jr. Magoo's said:
As a rider/sponsor, I get way more in the sport/freeride than anyone could imagine. It's not all about money like most would want to think.
The sport is growing super fast, The life long recognition is far more valuable than some $$$ in the bank. I personaly do stand-up & freerides for the love of it. Helping someone have a great day is a great big THANK YOU!

Not to be overstepping my bounds, but I belive most of the sponsors feel the same. Most were there all weekend to RIDE!! I did a lot of wrenching, but I didn't charge for anyof it, I also sold a bunch of parts, I did that just to keep people riding, I sold everything at really low prices. Profit wasn't my intension.

Yes this was probably the most organised, independent event in history.
The guys who set it up Did it for the "love of the sport"
I belive it should always be that way. Let it grow, but keep it simple!

Again, Nick , Pete, Their wives & others involved..... Well Done!

Awesome. Thank you for Helping Us ! Without your words of Wisdom, the
Event might of Pancaked. I am just luck to be a part of your team.
We got TONS of Fun coming this Year. Thanks paul..... :Banane01:


Alright ... I'll shut up then because it doesn't seem like anyone wants to hear it ... actually, screw that.

All I'm trying to say is ... if you want freeride to get to the point that we see X-Games type exposure, someone's going to have to step it up and that's what I'm thinking.

You guy may not know this, but I've been riding since 1994, and raced for over 8 years. I know what the sport was, is, and where it's going. I'm not just some random guy trying to make a buck on this ... what I'm trying to do is get back to the point where we don't keep losing companies like Westcoast, Ocean Pro, PJS, Butch's, R & R Jet Tech, Bad Bones, etc ... and I personally think freeride is more likely to do that than racing.

And, I did put money in the pockets of the guys there. I picked up turf from Laurel on site, and purchased X-Metal products from Steve at Watercraft factory. I also have a pole from pat, steve's hoodkit, etc. That being said ... other than Paul, unless I'm searching I have no damn idea who the other sponsors were ... and it shouldn't be that hard to figure it out when these guys stepped up to make the event what it was.

I also never suggested "sanctioning" the event, I just thought a little more organization to make sure the sponsors get their props would help. Like I said, I shouldn't have to search to find out who they were. I should have a bag of stuff in the garage, catalogs, and stickers to throw on the ski.

Yes ... riders remember, but they won't remember if they don't know who to remember in the first place.

Look, I knew my post wouldn't be popular, and that's alright ... I love riding and have no problem keeping this a garage sport because I never plan on competing again ... but it sure would be nice to see another stand-up somewhere other than the times the guys from PWCtoday, or here plan a get together.
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