Daytona motosurf freeride pics and vids 6-14-06

sflsurfrider said:
man i cant wait to see the video! it went on for a good 20-30 minutes, as i recall. i wasnt watching the entire time so i guess i missed the hood.

harrison went over the and actually started digging the sand from in front of the tires to help the guy out. what a heart.

to bad laughter cant get a vehicle unstuck.
damn I missed the whole thing. need video.


pearljam said:
hey slut,thanks for having us wavejunkies down for the weekend.we had a was good the fellowship us great and we met alot of new people that were good to be around.
hope you boyz didn't mine us sit down riders to much we like to ride surf too!!


that's for stricky who's laidup!!!:wave:

aka chrisxp

chris... if all xp riders ripped like you, we would have no problems... You ****ing rock bro!!!!!!! Awesome skillz and can't wait to see you rip it on the blaster next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aerial Photos

Sorry the flyby was short guys. I had fog Fri. morning, tornados Fri. night, and a 40kt headwind Sat. So I was pressed for time on Sunday. My camera was having problems and the other pilot was a beginner. If I made it on Sat. I would have taken a photographer up and hovered a while... Anyway here's a few good shots I got. I have a short fly by vid of the group too.


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  • Daytona 2.jpg
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thanks waveslut!!!!!!!

unreal perspective!!!!!

thanks for making it out w/ all the issues you had to deal w/. We appreciate it soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!


New York Crew
Western New York
If anyone has any pics from the Daytona ride that show good views of the number of riders, spectaters etc etc. I would love to see them. I am going to be getting together with the Director of our Action Sports Business Unit at my company (New Era Cap), and I wanted to get him an idea of just how big some of these events can be.

Right now our Action Sports division is mainly focused on skateboarding, snowboarding (including the USA Olympic team) and surfing however, we recently began doing some caps for the Metal Mullisha. I am hoping that we might be able to start broadening our scope.

Anyway, if you have some good pics of this nature, please email to me:

Thanks... Frosty


parrdaddy said:
Slutty, you're a gentleman and a scholar!! Thanks.

werd up brotha... it was awesome to watch ya get out and get on the surf this wekend... hope you are 100% real soon bro


No he will not!
yamaslut said:
werd up brotha... it was awesome to watch ya get out and get on the surf this wekend... hope you are 100% real soon bro

Oh man, this weekend did tons of good for my head. I was bumming pretty hard that I might not ever ride worth a damn again:1244: , but now I kinda think I might be able to get it back:cool:

We'll do it again soon....

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
parrdaddy said:
Oh man, this weekend did tons of good for my head. I was bumming pretty hard that I might not ever ride worth a damn again:1244: , but now I kinda think I might be able to get it back:cool:

We'll do it again soon....

Heard you was rolling the piss out of square noses early into the weekend
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