Daytona Raffle Comments/Suggestions

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2 lick is just voicing his opinion which is a good thing,it doesn,t mean he is wrong or right nor does everone have to agree with him.These events can,t improve without input.
As far as the bong or drinking comment, it is a jet ski event they don,t have to be politically correct
Would have liked an intermission to get another drink

Really enjoyed meeting everyone,unfortanetlly did not get to meet everyone I wanted too and can,t remember half of those I did

Scraping ice for 30 min. when I got to the airport sucked but thats Canada "eh"

exactly... communication is the key to making these events rock harder every year. I want feedback good, or bad...

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Nick, I have an Idea......... this will work for every event where there is a raffle......... There are two tickets, one that the person keeps and the one that goes in the bowl, when the person buys a ticket, give him both....... and a pen. Have that person write his name on the back of the ticket (or each ticket), that way when it is drawn, you know who it belongs too. Then, if for some reason they cannot make it up front or what ever, write on the ticket what they won, tape it to the item and put it aside..... at the end, do a quick roll call, have the person come up and you can hand them the prize. If they still do not come up (Maybe they left???) you can either redraw or just try to get word to them from a friend, then they can come back later and claim it.


Nick, I have an Idea......... this will work for every event where there is a raffle......... There are two tickets, one that the person keeps and the one that goes in the bowl, when the person buys a ticket, give him both....... and a pen. Have that person write his name on the back of the ticket (or each ticket), that way when it is drawn, you know who it belongs too. Then, if for some reason they cannot make it up front or what ever, write on the ticket what they won, tape it to the item and put it aside..... at the end, do a quick roll call, have the person come up and you can hand them the prize. If they still do not come up (Maybe they left???) you can either redraw or just try to get word to them from a friend, then they can come back later and claim it.

very good idea..... have em alreday called before we start... than just do the large items... thanks for the input

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Uh, not sure you got what I said..............

Have the person buying the ticket write his/her name on the back of the stub that goes into the pot before the drawing....... that way when each ticket stub is pulled, you know who has the winning ticket.

Oh, Nick, I was not there, but Thank You for everything you did, as well as everybody that helped you out.........


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
They have 2 part tickets where you write info on one ticket, and you keep the stub.

Purchaser writes their info on the stub that is placed for drawing, and purchaser keeps stub (both have #s).

Stub goes in pot, stirred, and drawn. Stir before each draw, a simple jug with lid that is shaken will suffice.

Call number and/or name, have 2 or 3 volunteers match stub with drawn ticket with a single winners line. First in line goes to fist available volunteer.


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Hell, calling names will be faster than numbers. Others will know if winner is present or not. Raffle table MUST MATCH number on stub with winning ticket drawn.

If handwriting becomes the issue, go to numbers.


Old, but still ridin'!!!
you know what's funny? how many of you remember the anarchist crazy anti-everything against-all-authority slutty from 3-4-5 years ago.

now he's the "pwc mayor of daytona beach, PC ambassador turn-the-other-cheek spokesperson of the year" :biggrin:

you know what i mean slut... dont get bent.. i mean that in a nice/funny way.. :biggthumpup:

That's what happens when ya get married. If you don't behave, you don't get any (o)Y(o) :biggrin: :biggrin:

Even though I wasn't there this year, pretty much everything I've seen or heard was positive.

:hail: :hail: :hail: Way to Go Slutty :hail: :hail: :hail:
You're definitely the Pimpinest Godfather of Freerides.


That's what happens when ya get married. If you don't behave, you don't get any (o)Y(o) :biggrin: :biggrin:

Even though I wasn't there this year, pretty much everything I've seen or heard was positive.

:hail: :hail: :hail: Way to Go Slutty :hail: :hail: :hail:
You're definitely the Pimpinest Godfather of Freerides.

:biggthumpup: thanks bro
I thought the whole weekend was great and can't wait til next year.

The only thing I thought was wrong is the comment how we needed to get away from SBT 20 mins after they cooked lunch and put a bunch of stuff in the raffle.

I also think it should have been clear what was in the raffle. I spent $200 in tickets wishing I would win the WCF hood and nose peice and it wasn't even in the raffle. But I did win a Riva/Seadoo shirt.
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