Daytona Raffle Comments/Suggestions

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Thanks for your input, I will definately consider other methods to speed it up next time. Please PM me if you have any solutions. I'm sorry you feel slighted, but we tried to do it as fair and speedy as possible. Hope you come back next year and win something big.

With a response like this I think Slutty might be getting into politics :biggthumpup:
i thought it was cool that the st auggie threw in the piston kit for the raffle. the swamp rats may have to do something like that next year.
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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
good call. i forgot about that. we need more volume on that PA, for sure.

my girl was cracking up when she saw what happened to you and how you reacted. personally, i wouldve kicked her in the knee and kept the dvd, maybe pulled her hair or something :biggrin:
she was pretty classy. she ripped the plastic off and threw it on the ground. :rolleyes:


Hooked on the Jamz
I thought it went well except for the part where the crazy woman behind me tried to rip my hands off when I caught a DVD nick tossed, I let her have the movie. I wouldn't change anything about it other than making the speaker louder or higher off the ground.

I think she must've been with the guy that dove head first downhill into a ski and a bunch of gas cans to grab a video. Then when a vid landed right in front of him he didn't even bend over to pick it up. :dunno:
10% of us do 90% probably dont. Still no excuss to use that language toward a member with close to a 1000 posts having to guts to say something probably many were feeling.

i agree 100%, brad.

this event went as smoothly as it did because of the organizers.... but it wouldnt have been SQUAT without the riders.


Sorry for the Name Calling 2lick... I just think that you came off with no resepct for how much has to be done... Nick absolutly busted his Arse to try and make everyone there happy... and you want to comment on what we do... Why dont you try and do better.....

Again.. SOrry for my anger... we put tons of our own time and money to make these things good.

Sorry for my comment.... go ahead and beat up what went on...
and you can PM me comments if you dont like my bong joke...
I was just trying to play around and have some fun ! :banghead:


havin fun
clearwater FL
Being very thrifty myself I can see how the money thing gets to you, but Time and other factors have to be considered. Now you know how it goes next time you can spend accordingly. But also as someone else suggested,complain and you only become part of the problem, help and you are part of the solution, so sign up now to volunteer. maybe next year you can have the big ticket items read off so the crowd has some excitement, while youcan man a booth with a line to get out the smaller stuff? you can sit there and make sure everyone who won gets their stuff.



Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
you know what's funny? how many of you remember the anarchist crazy anti-everything against-all-authority slutty from 3-4-5 years ago.

now he's the "pwc mayor of daytona beach, PC ambassador turn-the-other-cheek spokesperson of the year" :biggrin:

you know what i mean slut... dont get bent.. i mean that in a nice/funny way.. :biggthumpup:

an older, wiser, more mellow Slutty perhaps?


Being very thrifty myself I can see how the money thing gets to you, but Time and other factors have to be considered. Now you know how it goes next time you can spend accordingly. But also as someone else suggested,complain and you only become part of the problem, help and you are part of the solution, so sign up now to volunteer. maybe next year you can have the big ticket items read off so the crowd has some excitement, while youcan man a booth with a line to get out the smaller stuff? you can sit there and make sure everyone who won gets their stuff.


I was not happy when Mike decided to call 3 numbers instead of the whole number... then telling people that the first one up to the booth gets it... i put a stop to that right away. Sorry bro.


heres a suggestion for next years raffle.... more old people dangling lamps from their balconies!

:haha: :haha: :haha:

even funnier.. when the raffle was going on, I went to go grab some beers and there was an old lady with some "all my crazy friends" stickers. :hail:


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I spent $200.00 total on raffle tickets and won nothing. I do not feel slighted at all as I stood beside/ behind the booth and watched Pete and Mrs. Pete, Sarah, Nick, Stoyer, Mike and a few other people bust thier AZZES running this thing. They did everything possible to make it run smooth I assure you. No way in hell it could have been done better with the amount of people and things involved. Throwing things to the crowed was a perfect decision as they simply saw there was no way to raffle it all and it kept the crown into it as well. PERFECT EXACUTION by all involved. :biggthumpup:
Thanks Pete, Nick, Stoyer, Mike and all the wives as well for a great weekend.:hail:
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Sorry for the Name Calling 2lick... I just think that you came off with no resepct for how much has to be done... Nick absolutly busted his Arse to try and make everyone there happy... and you want to comment on what we do... Why dont you try and do better.....

Again.. SOrry for my anger... we put tons of our own time and money to make these things good.

Sorry for my comment.... go ahead and beat up what went on...
and you can PM me comments if you dont like my bong joke...
I was just trying to play around and have some fun ! :banghead:

''2-lick'' stated his opinion ,mentioned some concerns and did offer some help QUOTE :
1) Take a half hour of time and type a list of the items to be raffled. (Hell ill do it)'' AND HE WAS RESPECTFUL in his post !!!!! lets keep the thread clean without childish name calling and statments like this ''Why dont you try and do better.....'' can we ?? BTW it was a great event ,and all i met were very nice people to hang with !see ya all at the next one !


I spent $200.00 total on raffle tickets and won nothing. I do not feel slighted at all as I stood beside/ behind the booth and watched Pete and Mrs. Pete, Sarah, Nick, Stoyer, Mike and a few other people bust thier AZZES running this thing. They did everything possible to make it run smooth I assure you. No way in hell it could have been done better with the amount of people and things involved. Throwing things to the crowed was a perfect decision as they simply saw there was no way to raffle it all and it kept the crown into it as well. PERFECT EXACUTION by all involved. :biggthumpup:
Thanks Pete, Nick, Stoyer, Mike and all the wives as well for a great weekend.:hail:

:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:

Thank you.... and NICK is the man ! He did so much for this.... :Banane01:


''2-lick'' stated his opinion ,mentioned some concerns and did offer some help QUOTE :
1) Take a half hour of time and type a list of the items to be raffled. (Hell ill do it)'' AND HE WAS RESPECTFUL in his post !!!!! lets keep the thread clean without childish name calling and statments like this ''Why dont you try and do better.....'' can we ?? BTW it was a great event ,and all i met were very nice people to hang with !see ya all at the next one !

go re-read his post, about picking on us having a drink and joking with the bong thing... I am sorry I forgot the orginizers are not allowed to have fun ! that is disrespectful ! Its over. I apoligized... get over it.
I am moving on !
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