dead grandpa + blown motor+ nice was your day?. pics added


Grand Rapids, MI
ok lets start the day off i get up at 5:30 this morning take care of a few things then load up and pull off to head to pensacola to see justin(mad scientist) to get the ski fixed and back up and running...installing a new prop, intake and carb, and fixing whats acting like a stuck starter solenoind or stuck bendix....half way there mom calls from's grandpas birthday today so she calls the nursing home..he has alzhimers to wish him a happy ones talked to him in awhile he's 79 and forgetting alot of things now..remembers no one..nursing home informs my mother he's dead.....been dead since april 11th...died in his sleep..and no one bothered to call his next of kin to notify them:261: they just turned his body over to the state and let them bury him somewhere..we cant even seem to find out where the hell they put him:261: personally i think thats way messed up and these people will be getting dealt with....later i arrive at justins and we start working on the ski..get the new prop on.. notice i have 3 broken motor mounts.....time to start the rest..remove battery..then gas tank well a little fuel spills in the bilge...keep working pull off the flywheel cover and the flywheel bolt is stuck on there good..justin grabs the propane torch and poof the entire bilge is engulfed with flames...hose is in the front yard so now i'm standing there watching my ski burn listening to all my fuel lines, cooling lines, and wiring melt and sizzle while the fire deoartment...(justin and my buddy derek) are running back and forth from the front yard with a trash can and a mop bucket to try and get enough water to extinguish the flames....finally got it put out and the motor pulled ....crank is toast...time for a new motor!:grumble:

how's everyone elses day been...
alright justin post the pics..
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Grand Rapids, MI
i'll get with you on that i'm selling off my van to the scrap guys on monday so i might be able to just paypal you the whole thing by friday...thanks again buddy i'll shoot ya a pm tomorrow and we'll get it worked out...thanks again for the rescue
i'll get with you on that i'm selling off my van to the scrap guys on monday so i might be able to just paypal you the whole thing by friday...thanks again buddy i'll shoot ya a pm tomorrow and we'll get it worked out...thanks again for the rescue

its no problem man, glad i could help out. im going to find something to put it in tomorrow.
pm me addy and i will try to get it shipped monday night if i can make it to the ups store in time
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Sorry to hear about your grandpa,and the crankshaft,as for the fire,have yall been hanging out with GIL again?


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
yeah, gil is the first 1 that i thought of when it went up.

family story sux

dead crank and not a bendix double sux

friend to the rescue pricless

thanx matt for the deal on the motor and you can ship it to me, so that in the case i get a few minutes i can start to get it together


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
pics would be great

i could use this right about 10 sec after it whent out :argue: :slap:


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Grand Rapids, MI
eh i think i took today rather well we we're all laughing about it 2 minutes later...already got the new motor on it's way..i have a complete fuel lines and cooling lines kit sitting here and got a line on a new all in all turned out wish i could be with my mom right about now tho' but that's besides the point


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Wholy $hit!

I bought a spihon pump bulb hose thingy... works wonders!

Rags you send my couplers out yet? Crab sent me a pair of shin guards on Thursday and they got here today (USPS Priority Mail). He is out on the west coast too! You are only a stones throw away from me. lol No hurry just wanted that Christmas morning feel today when I opened up the box. They are going on the 800 and I still have to buy a set of ADA's just to get one coupler for the crank... sucks!


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
All good, I was confused. It was X2 Addict. no biggie, they will get here.

Terry, you coming to ride tomorrow? I want to check out the rotaX2. We got the gay turf all laid today/tonight.

Thread hijack over...

Oh and sorry about the gramps. I worry about mine all the time and I am away from home too.. :( You should sue the pants off those people too!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I think I am going to try to make it,I found my carb problem today,was pretty simple actually,its all loaded up ready to go now,not sure what time I will get there though.


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
the big error in actions came from me , since the wifey was hanging out w/ a potuy attitude i missed the step of spilled fuel removal via add water and then shop vac it out.

i just walked into the shop picked up the torch , grabbed a light from derek then down into the bilge, bahhhwhoosh instant flames

chalk it up to not following proceedure
man sorry to hear about your grandfather ,
man id be crying in my beer if i had your day , thats one impressive looking bbq you had in that x2
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