dead grandpa + blown motor+ nice was your day?. pics added


Анархия - мать порядка!
Am I the only one to be confused by the story? "It appears my g-pa died, the state burned him, my mom called, she's asking how my carbs are doing"...


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Sorry about the first part about your gp

And I laughed out loud at the fire... tough luck man, it looks like something that would happen to me LOL
Awww, Mark...what the hell eh? Like they all have said I am sorry for your loss.........the jet ski well it sucks but did have a little laugh myself just invisioning you guys at the scene...LMAO!
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Grand Rapids, MI
thanks everybody you thoughts help with the gp situation as far as the fire i just kinda stood there slapping at it with a rag forthe first 2 minutes then i just gave up and stood there listening to all my hoses and wires fry...not a real big deal tho' got the new motor and mounts on thier way and i have all new whole ski kit sitting here..and justin's helping with the electrical so all in all i'll have pretty m uch a new boat come next weekend:woot:


Custom Kawi
Lansing, MI
wow dude, that really sux. I feel your pain, cuz my 750 has been up in flames twice. Nothing makes you want to sh*t your pants worse than seeing flames gouting out of ur gas tank and all through the bilge as you realize there's no running water out at the barn where your ski is. Imagine trying to get your motor to start when the carb and gas tank are full of fire extinguisher compound. Twice. Best of luck with the aftermath and sorry about your grandfather.
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