Deep Thoughts :/

I'm just posting this nonsense because this is how I do....
Things to ponder whilst in deep thought...

Do you think mustard has the muster to get the job done?
Does ketchup ever really catch up in it's slang ways of life?
Does relish really relish in everything? Is that how it do?
This has been deep thoughts of the day and as you hopefully have noticed it is by no means sponsored by anyone like
I've never really understood the penny for your thoughts thing...if my thoughts are only worth a penny to you then go away lol. Until you're willing to give me a grand for my thoughts I'm not going to waste my time and effort for an offer of a penny lol
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Apparently he'll chuck as much wood as woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood :p But do they really chuck wood? If not then why the name?? The only evidence I can find of them chucking wood is this...

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