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Team Cheeseburger
Replace the main line going from the gas tank to the carb.
If you are still using a Water separator and or Fuel selector switch bypass them for now and run the fuel line directly from the tank to the carb.

It could be old fuel lines, water separator or fuel selector switch sucking in air... its a cheap way to rule that out.


Team Cheeseburger
Do you lose spark when it fails to start?
Check for spark next time it fails to start.

I know you said it had spark in the first post, but does it have spark all the time? Even when it is not starting?
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Team Cheeseburger
did you try squirting a little fuel in the carb?
Most likely you are having a fuel delivery issue ... or crank seal going out

how long does it actually run for? does it run fine for a long time until you shut it off the first time?
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Tank is holding compression? Check the check valve on the tank to make sure it still holds two or three psi. And that it is oriented in the correct direction.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
You said the carbs were rebuilt.

Did you rebuild them with SBT or OEM parts? Did you replace the needle and seat? Did you test the carbs with a pop-off gauge or did you just put stuff in them and assume it's good?

Have you checked the CDI? Use a spark tester (goes inline from the coil to the plug) to make sure the ski has spark when it's not starting. It is possible that your electronics get wet and wont restart the ski until that dry out. Some people test spark by arcing the plugs off the head. Using the tester I mentioned is the safe way.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
My jetski starts up first shot when it's first in the water. Once it heats up a bit (not even after 30 seconds of riding) it only starts AFTER I let go of the start button. Once it heats up enough, it won't start up AT ALL. It may start much after once I assume it's cooled down

If someone can figure this out for me, they will become my god =).

Let me know if you need any more info. I should have made the title of the thread more destriptive but it seems to be to late to edit it.

Here's a vid....

Check the spark. It's probably electrical, not fuel.

Open your ebox and stator cover and make sure everything is staying dry. Check your wires and connections for corrosion and wear.
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Im having the same issue with my 650. I've had the same problem for well over a year. I dont think its a head gasket issue or a base gasket issue. I replaced all the gaskets and seals in my motor over the winter and I am still having the same issue. I was having a problem with my stator collecting moisture. One trick I was told was put a capful of oil in the stator cover but mine hasnt run since due to a bad starter. It could be a starter issue, I havent had a good, strong starter since I have owned the ski. Moisture in the electronics (stator, CDI box, etc) could cause a problem like this for sure. Let me know if anyone has any advice to fix this problem. Like stated above, after the ski sits for a few minutes, it will fire back up.
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