desperately in need of advice

i met some of the group during your event in daytona beach, fl in January.
I've had a kawasaki SXR 800 for four years & just had an engine blow (don't ask how!!). it hasn't been disassembled yet, but i know that the crankcase is shattered.
I need some advise about my options?? Take to a dealer to get it fixed?? Junk it?? Sell it as is??
any help would be appreciated.

please post advice to my PM


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
i met some of the group during your event in daytona beach, fl in January.
I've had a kawasaki SXR 800 for four years & just had an engine blow (don't ask how!!). it hasn't been disassembled yet, but i know that the crankcase is shattered.
I need some advise about my options?? Take to a dealer to get it fixed?? Junk it?? Sell it as is??
any help would be appreciated.

please post advice to my PM

F that!!! The dealer's not going to use any vaseline.

Do the work yourself. An engine rebuild is fairly easy, assuming you got all the torque specs. If not you can find them online. 2-cycle engines are not at all like 4-cycles and much easier to work on.

God bless the 2-cycle. :biggrin:


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Buy some SXIPRO cases, an SBT Crank, get the cyllinder bored over (if it's okay), and get a new top end piston kit from Wiseco and put it back together...

First, rip it apart and post some pics up here. Crank bearing probably went...


R.I.P. 11/27/2008
I do have the green case from a and sxi but not sure if it is the same as the pro. maybe someone could shine some light on it.
Anyhow pm me for more detail.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Same cases. (well close enough, they will work fine!)

Did you take it apart and get pics yet? If you want help, that is what you need to do.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
There was a set of SXR cases on the eBay ads just today at the top of the page. That would be a good place to look. But you know what they say... a picture is worth a thousand words...
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