SX/SXi/SXi Pro Digger Foothold Install

Hey guys,

My Blowsion order finally came in so I started my foothold project last night. I figured I would post the progress as I go along and at the same time get some feedback on how i'm doing, this is my first install and i'm turfing everything so we'll see how it goes lol.

Before I even got started I found this happened during shipping


But I figured the holds would need some trimming anyway and i'll just use some extra glass around that area.

First things first, cut off the end caps

Made the first cut, as i've read from all of you it definitely makes a mess and the tubes are a pain... My first template was a little small so I had to do a lot of trimming after the initial hole was cut.

The second hole only took me like 30 minutes compared to over an hour for the first haha. After I got the exhaust side fitted good I made a new template and that helped cut my trimming down on the port side.

Here is the mocked up diggers


Turf...I went with 8mm padding for the tray, and 5mm for the sides. I ordered two sheets and it will definitely be plenty for the whole tray, rails, dash, and chin pad.


It was hot as hell yesterday in the garage, and just cutting and fitting took more time than I thought. So tonight I will be riviting and epoxying them in to sit overnight then glass and foam this weekend. I'm also going to start sanding to prep for the turf job.

Couple of questions:

  1. Can I use the epoxy resin I bought with the fiberglass (uscomposites) to secure them in along with the rivits?
  2. Do I wait for the resin to cure, then glass?
  3. I was planning to drill about a 3/4" hole above the storage tube for a spot to fill the foam from, is this how you did it? Is there a better way?
  4. Any other tips for the glassing/foam process?

Thanks for looking! Feel free to comment :bananajump:


Wow! I've been meaning to update this, but since the torch lake freeride and getting back to work i've just remembered :p The ski is finished but here are the pics I had on my phone, I'll post the rest off my camera later. Hope this helps some people get a better visual look of the install.

Overall it took me a long time to complete because I could only get about an hour or so each night after work but once I had a few days off it was complete in a few days. The worst part was waiting for epoxy and glass to harden.



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