Direction of carbs

I picked up a used set of silver SBN 44s

In all of the pics of different skis the diaphrams face to the outside of the hull and the fuel pumps are in toward the motor. And the throttle linkage is toward the front of the ski.

The ones I got when you link them together and put them on the manifold with throttle linkage to front of the ski the fuel pumps face out and the diaphrams are toward the motor.

Will this give me a problem when I start assembling and with the ski running.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
44s normally mount with fuel pumps on outside, and throttle linkage to the rear on 62t. 61x running duals would mount them pumps in linkage to the front. But I suppose the SBN could be different. But as long as your manifold works and the throttle cable pulls the right way I think you are fine.
its all about the direction that the throttle plates open. if the pumps are on the outside, the throttle plates open closest to the motor, making the air flow make a sharper turn into the reeds. in theory, it would seem advantageous to have them open from the outside to increase flow. all mine are setup that way but i saw a japanese pro freestyle WF boat with them on the other way. it may or may not be just a myth but everybody that cares or knows, put the carbs on the correct way and that means the cable linkage is on the rear end of the carbs. all OEM setups are the "wrong" way from the factory, so who knows..............
There is a theory about mounting pumps outwards:
If any fuel from the LS circuit dribbles down the side of carb at small throttle openings, it will drop into the airstream at the sharp bend in the manifold and atomize. If carbs are mounted pumps inwards then the fuel would run down the manifold wall and puddle in bottom of reeds and then bottom of crankcase as the airflow is not influencing it enough.
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