do all lithium batteries need a special charger?

the above statements are the same reason,non of the other lith batts lasted very long in a ski along with more constant starter use and piss poor leaky cases and terminals,add all the issues up and its no wonder lith batts didnt work out. Maybe this one will fair better with a overcharge circuit built in...I doubt it though
these batteries are garbage, period! i used the proper charger and went thru 5 shorais. tyrant1919 went thru 4 balistics and an antigravity and i know he used the proper charger. they are all junk so far and the charger used isnt the determining factor.
has anyone tried the lithium from advanced auto parts? I have seen it on jet ski pages on facebook, and want a real opinion before I drop the cash.
You need a lith batt charger for any of them if you want them to last.Honestly the manufactures dont press the charger issue that much cause there is very little TL use in their total market where a battery would need to be charged more than 50% frequently.and they dont want to market a battery that "needs" to be sold with its own charger.

To last long term,buy a cheap icharger 106 Use sealing tape on the seams where the cheapy seams are. Epoxy fill all around the weakly attached terminals,toss the stock crappy bolts,buy stainless bolts and dielectric grease them so they back out easy and dont crack plastic and epoxy around terminals. Dont use it to get a sunk ski started again,install in ski once tuned and starts very easy, installing a primer is highly advisable.Disconnect ground to ski when ski sits for weeks....then maybe a lith batt will last long term for it the 10 pound hassle sacrifice
How about in a boat with a charging ignition? Sorry I'm not trying to be a hassle, the idea of 10lb weight savings for 100 dollars seems like a good deal.
I use a Scorpion LiPo in my 01' SJ with charging ignition, and it works awesome. The battery was less than 110 shipped, is half the size, and weighs less than 3 lbs. I was not informed I needed a special charger, and the only warning was that the charger I use must charge at 14V-14.5V. I have had it for a year, and its still really strong.


I forgot!
My shoria lasted 2 years and on my 3rd season I killed it when I forgot to turn my TL ignition off for 2 weeks. I used the battery tender jr only.
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