Do away with Daylight Saving Time? less evening jetski time?


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Why adjust the clocks when you can change seasons.

I propose a bill that we have NASA launch a large Spectra rope attached to the North Pole with the other end connected to the moon.

As the moon rotates around the earth it will pull the earth's axis on a zero degree tilt with the orbit of the sun.

This will make the daylight hours the same all year long and end the typical seasonal changes.
DST is a joke and nothing more than a mind game.

The idiots in Indiana finally got it passed into law a couple years ago on the premise that it would solve the problem all the other states were having when doing business with companies in Indiana because they couldn't figure out what time they were on. What did they get... a state that now has part of it on EST and part on CST! Way to go... solved a lot of problems there... now you can go from one county to the next and be in a different time zone.

And they recently did a study on the "savings" of DST in Indiana... and the conclusion was... it actually cost more money because people are home during some of the warmest hours of the day, running the AC and other thing.

Personally, I think DST sucks. If I want an "extra" hour of daylight in the afternoon, I'll go into work an hour earlier. And at least that way when I go to bed at 10:00 at night it will be dark.


Warsaw, IN
I live in Indiana and am glad we switched to DST. Studies do show that it costs more though. But it was such a pain in the ass being with one time zone and then being apart of the other. Now atleast I always know we are EST, so much easier when scheduling meetings and such. But I do think we should have forced the two areas near Gary and Evensville to be the same as the rest of the state and be EST.
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