Octane Do Octane Hoods Float?


Sionis Industries
More importanly , Are the stock hoods filled with any floation material? I know that the have a pretty lack luster attachment to the hull and can easily come off. My hood insert inside the hood shell is starting to seperate at the bonded joints and the green glue is is flaking off. I didnt know if these things float or could foam be added up inside near the intake tubes in case it came off agian. I will be running a brap strap, But you never know what could happen.


Sionis Industries
anyone put hand holds on a factory hood? Are they durable enough? Mine is splitting and coming apart at all the seams, (the Sh*tty green epoxy-not the actual Glass) I plan on scraping it all out and roughing the surfaces, re-adhering it with either some peanutbutter resin or the West Six-10 in a tube? anyone else have this issue?
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