DOCK START no problems,New plugs,new gas filter, new gas

Cleaned-up the carbs a little and changes a few basic parts today. The lake was so rough and had some white tops but though guess Im gonna get wet..
Started the jet and it purred and the shakes were
Dock started, hit some huge wave ,got air, got wet, but never fell off the jet and never got wet execpt for the splash landings..
Anyone figiypute out how to landem wiyhout getting the front end saokin

Lottsa fun and now I know why I couldnt dock start
This is a follow up to this thread:

Give the guy a break I don't think he understands how forums work yet. :-/

@Mcmarkrazz glad you got your problem figured out.
You're right our comments could certainly be taken the wrong way to a new comer.

Glad you're having fun and welcome to the community! There's a thread on here about an Okauchee lake ride some members are setting up. Since I saw your other post in the general section I figured you might be interested.
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