Does any body have This Video? Jet Dreams

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
I checked that link earlier this month and it was still working fine. It was actually downloading pretty quick. What problems are you having? Have you tried a diff computer/connection??

Darrin was the one who was talking about re-hosting it. I bet if you bug him he'd still do it.
I checked that link earlier this month and it was still working fine. It was actually downloading pretty quick. What problems are you having? Have you tried a diff computer/connection??

Darrin was the one who was talking about re-hosting it. I bet if you bug him he'd still do it.

Can you please repost the link that is working? Not sure if i have the right one or not...

Fro Diesel

creative control
haha, I've been a lurker here for quite some time and this post finally pushed me over the edge and got me to register. So, hello to all!

I have an original VHS of this video sitting right in front of me. I used to love this thing to death back in the day when I had a pair of 440's. We would watch it over and over again! Not sure how well it will play (haven't watched in prob a decade) but I am able to get it into a digital format if need be.

Are you guys familiar with how torrents work? It seems to me like that may be the easiest way to distribute this thing. Any other ideas?? Youtube maybe???

torrents are the way to go. Let me know if you get it uploaded and i will help seed it.

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Here is the post w/ the link that worked for me:

I thought about a torrent when we were setting this up originally, but if a torrent were to survive for something like this it sure wouldn't be for very long. Even if that isn't the case, what we have now is quicker than a seeder or two could provide anyhow. If the link above is indeed not working, and people still want this, I am able and willing to help figure something else out...


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I right click on it ans then click save target as. Well I get about 5% downloaded and then the download cancels. It says internet explorer timed out.

I will try again


havin fun
clearwater FL
mine finished last night, checked some of it out and it looks pretty cool, especially towards the end, surfriding.

thanks for taking the time to put it up.

I had some trouble figuring out how to make dvd decrypter recognize the file but stumbled on it eventually. then found movieplayer classic and dl that. works fine.

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
I tested the link again last night and it wizzed right through the first 10 megs at over 100kb/sec before I canceled it. What is happening when you try x2? Right-click, save as...

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Hmmm, I don't know what to tell you. I just tried it at work (diff computer, connection, and browser) and it worked just like it did for me at home. For whatever reason this just seems to give some people problems. If someone can come up with another hosting option I am willing to make it happen.
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