I did mine with out the Blowsion set up and it came out great. There’s enough room for a large diameter Bow Eye to fit in an SXR with out modifying (adding too) the front end. It’s a tight fit though so there’s not any room for error. First you need to drill out the rivets and remove the bumper and nose piece. I cut out the bow eye hole in the stock plastic nose piece with a Dremmel. Then drill out the hole for the bow eye. Like I said it’s a tight fit. Be sure to lay it out so your at center and I recommend using a smaller drill bit than needed and enlarging it with a dremmel so you get the bow eye exactly were it needs to be- I’ll say it again, it’s a tight fit. (be sure and allow enough room on the underside between the lip on the bond line to get the nut on the bow eye). I painted a small area on the front of my ski (under the stock plastic) black so the hole I cut in the nose piece would be less obvious. Then just reassemble with stainless and your good to go!