does anyone recognize these carbs

i picked up these 46s at havasu. the carbs dont have a venturi inside but there is 12 little holes going around the throat. it also looks like there is a third jet inside. im not much of a carb guy. if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be awesome. they came off a race sxr and i want to put them on a freestyle sj. thanks


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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
The third circuit looks like what mikuni called a power valve circuit,it was a very popular mod on motorcycle carbs back in the day ,BASICALL AFFECTD 3/4 to w/o throttle settings. I remember someone used to mod 44 carbs with the power valve circuits also.
the guy i bought these from told me they were modded in michigan. im just trying to figure out what i should jet these at. i have a b-pipe, head, enhanser,reeds.
Those are SRE. They look like the HFV 48mm. They were made right her in south Florida about 7 years ago.

They work very good.

What's done to your SJ? I can tell you what you should put in it.


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
Yep, SRE's for sure...I used them before on race limited superjets. Don't have freestyle spec's to use but I did get them to run very well, especially when compared to the buckshots we were using at the time!
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