Super Jet Does this sound right?

I'm testing my stator. When I go from the red/white wire I get about 14.5 ohms when I try the brown white wire I get .538 k ohms.

I also installed a weather pack connector and I'm just testing from the connector. Should I open the ebox and test from there?
Another it possible for magnets to weaken on a flywheel. I kind of doubt it but its something I have been thinking about.

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Charging is good. Brand new motor has never ran right. Matt e rode it and seems to think its a electrical problem. Swapped out my epic with my stock cdi no changes. Had jss redo the coil wires but they check out ok. He gave me a list of things to check out. Will be testing this week hopefully.

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So I just tested my coils on my stator. The ac output of the charge coil is about 50 volts. I checked the pulser coil and the best I get is 3.2 volts. According to the thread about checking your electrical system in the tech thread I should be getting about 4 to 5 volts ac. Also the insulation on the white red wire is a little brown look kind of like it hot. Could my pulse coil be failing? Also when I check the resistance on the black and orange wires on my coil it shows 0.00 ohms.

I have charged the battery and it reads 12.66 volts.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Now that your battery is 12+volts, have you tested voltage while running? You should see it rise with rpm. As far as not running right, I suspect the ignition coil. Same thing I went through with an Epic this year. It started rough, and started running poorly within the first 10min from cold. Changed to stock 62t cdi, with better starting but same issue when the coil got warmed up. Removed fresh jetworks refurbed coil, and replaced with stock yam coil with resistor plug boots to solve the problem.

Talking with Chris @ ATP I learned that faulty coils wreak havok with Epic ignitions, and are known to cause electrical interferance that affects the cdi.

I hope this helps.


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at peace
Since the stator seems to spec out correctly and the CDI has been swapped already, let's try out a known good coil. I got one.
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