Want to Buy Domes for Westcoast Head

Looking for a few parts for a 726cc 61x/61x with Westcoast head --> Found all parts, thanks!
  • Weastcoast head domes (YEP7030 -->30cc)
  • 61x OEM lightweight flywheel (ideally Navy Blue)
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Waiting for the ice to thaw!!!!
The Region
I have a set of 25cc domes that are good and a set of 26cc that are damaged. I have no idea what compression they will make as I have never been able to find a Westcoast dome chart for Yamaha's.

I might have a spare @speedysprocket flywheel too.

I can check tonight for you.
@speedysprocket --> Awesome please PM me a price shipped for a blue one

@blasterdude --> I am looking for YEP7030 domes (I believe 30cc) but thanks for reaching out! As for the spare flywheel, plz PM me if it is blue

@john zigler --> If it came from a pump gas ski it may be 30cc if not close, could you PM me a pic of the domes and/or a priced shipped


Waiting for the ice to thaw!!!!
The Region
If I have one it will be blue, I have @speedysprocket do my Yamaha ones blue and my Kawasaki ones green so I don't mix them up, haha

I might have some NOS 7030's in my personal ski build stash that I could be persuaded to let go for the right price.

I will check this evening for everything.
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