Driving help from TN/rescue/recovery/photo boat

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As it stands right now I plan on leaving Tennessee on Friday afternoon and driving straight to Daytona Beach for the freeride. I have a friend who's looking to see if he can get the time off to help me drive the truck from TN to FL. If he can't get the time off I'll have an open space on my double trailer.

Anyone interested in helping me drive?

I'll be bringing my Yamaha XLL and using it for rescue/ recovery for those that end up in trouble. This is my specialty, helping those in trouble. If I can get a GSXL and rider out of the surf in 14 foot waves, I can get you and your stand up back to shore no problem.

Also, an XLL with an expeirenced rider makes a great photo platform.

anyone interested in a ride down to FL?

I'll know tonight if my partner is able to come.

Edward Tarver
Cleveland Tennessee
cell 423-618-3447
work 423-336-8100
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JetEd is a great guy... He has been out riding w/ us many times throughout the last 5 years.... Thanks for offering Ed!!!


More Brap Please
south jersey
I won't be driving the same roads you are but if you need to take a break from the rescue riding when your there I would be happy to help out. Used to be a lifeguard.
I'd be all to happy to loan out the XLL and take a break.

My tow rope is actually a river rescue bag, 75 foot of 11mm floating nylon line, unzip the bag, hold the lose end and throw the bag, the line will feed out without tangling, just don't run over your own line.

The big issue is going to be getting 800.lbs of ski off the trailer and into the water, but there should be enough people there that is shouldn't be a problem.


Miami Fl
JetEd73 glad your coming down. Just dont forget your teeth :biggrin: .

JetEd73's an awsome guy. He saved me when I was a rookie in sebastion and I was getting tumbled on shore literaly with head high sets breaking on shore. JetEd I cant ever thank you enough.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
HMMM, we are leaving thurs. from Nashville, If we can be of any help let me know, but cant see how right now. You should come resque KEEFER and YAMA-FREAK (formally KAWI-FREAK) from the waist high General waves sometime bro. Your close enough.
JetEd73 glad your coming down. Just dont forget your teeth :biggrin: .

JetEd73's an awsome guy. He saved me when I was a rookie in sebastion and I was getting tumbled on shore literaly with head high sets breaking on shore. JetEd I cant ever thank you enough.


ya old dog you.

I'll look forward to hangin out with everyone when I gets down there.

teeth? teeth? ...I still got em...
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