dual screen wallpaper


( o Y o )
So i was able to get dual screen for my computer and have been looking for a good jetski related wallpaper. does anyone recommend any sites or have a wallpaper they wouldn't mind sharing?


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat
I don't have much for ski related wallpaper, but just wanted to share a trick with you. If you make a large image the size of your combined desktop, you can set the orientation to "tile" and it will span both monitors. Lots of neat stuff at www.mandolux.com


Merrick NY
joe kenney and ross champion


  • jet_1600.jpg
    34.4 KB · Views: 43
  • jk_wave_ripper_1024x768.jpg
    111 KB · Views: 40
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( o Y o )
I like the site you suggested, lots of neat background but I dont know what its talking about when it has the option for left and right screen. Does that mean I would have to save it and then edit it with a paint/photoshop program to actually have it set up for both screens? Like merge the two pics together to make one and then save it as the resolution for my screens? I understand the tile effect you are talking about, but the background on there are 2 pics put together to make one and it isnt possible to save the whole pic at once. Does that make sense? lol.


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat
Yeah, that's what I did - save both and merge. I'm not sure why he doesn't offer them as one big background. I think there are some programs out there that will make 2 different screens for you, but I don't like unnecessary programs.

He's even got a few up that are for 3 screens. Kinda cool. If you want more ski related stuff, it seems like there was a thread a while back about that, but I can't find it.
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