So was going to do a leak down test on it yesterday before I tear it down any further and found the head bolts bottom out before it tightens the head, might explain why the head slid right off and left a loose gasket on the deck. My neighbor, whom works for Husqvarna, stumbled over to my garage last night and said it looks like I have a detonation issue judging by the pattern of the carbon. Now I'm getting hesitant, wondering if it's been making too much compression and had a leaking head gasket all the while. Darn thing runs so good I never had an issue. I trust my compression tester as far as I can throw it. Fwiw, the bolts tighten down leaving a washer's thickness and yes I filled threads with brake clean and picked out what I could with an awl but they're clean. Maybe they will ram down tight enough to make you think they're torqued but I haven't tried since I don't want to bottom a bolt and destroy threads.
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