dynamic timing


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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I didn't get to the bottom of why it is necessary to double check ur static timing with a timing light? My only calibration is the degree wheel i've got printed off the computer and taped to my flywheel and the marks i made on the cases with my sharpee. I understand that my timing should be close, but how accurate am i going to be with the timing light and the pirated, taped-on, spinning degree wheel? What do I do if they are not the same. When my LED lights up on the brain and I spin the drive shaft the light is on over the course of maybe 10-12 deg. of rotation. U guys think the gap is too close? I checked it with a micrometer and it was WNL per MSD's info.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It's fine for the light to be on that long.
What counts is when it comes on.

You check with a timing light to verify that the final ignition timing is as desired.
You check with an independent tool (timing light). The timing LED on the MSD Brain is part of the system being checked. Those MSD brains can vary a bit with timing, so checking it without the internal means double-checks on that.
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Yep, what Matt said. If you trust only the LED then you could possibly be even more advanced than you want, thus potentially trashing your engine. Like Matt says, you should always check with a timing light to insure that it is correct.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
"When my LED lights up on the brain and I spin the drive shaft the light is on over the course of maybe 10-12 deg. of rotation. U guys think the gap is too close? I checked it with a micrometer and it was WNL per MSD's info.

any ideas???


The proper gap is to make sure that the pickups are not too close to the flywheel to keep them from hitting it and damaging them. You want them within the MSD specs so that you will have them close enough get a clean signal but not too close. Don't sweat that, just time it up close with the LED and then check it with the timing light to make your fine adjustments so that you will have the exact static timing you desire. This is not that bad, don't over think it or stress over stuff you have already resolved. Bolt it up check & double check and you will be fine.
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