Eat, Sleep, MotoSurf

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so daytona is about a week away!

i see the ski in the garage and cant wait. i go to bed, cant sleep. i cant wait!!!!

i just cant wait to leave this crappy weather. from 20-30s to hopefully 70s... we are leaving this sunday the 6th it looks like :)

see you guys there!!!:headbang:


freakin Ya dude ! Leaving a week from tomorrow ! :friday:
I wish I still had work to do on the ski, now I just sit around waiting for Sunday to arrive. Can't wait for the car ride, that should be almost exciting as riding the surf. Hey Andy did you tell your g/f that she ain't driving no matter what?


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
so daytona is about a week away!

i see the ski in the garage and cant wait. i go to bed, cant sleep. i cant wait!!!!

i just cant wait to leave this crappy weather. from 20-30s to hopefully 70s... we are leaving this sunday the 6th it looks like :)

see you guys there!!!:headbang:

If it's in the 70's, i'm going to be PISSED at you for wishing it was in the 70's. 70 is COLD!! Wish for the upper 80's. I want to be warm and I don't want to see jeans and sweaters on the beach crowds.


New York Crew
Western New York
we're leavin wednesday after work, and should be there sometime Thursday afternoon. Andy, i'll call ya when we get it.

I'm bringing a portable DVD player for the ride and all my jetski videos!!
Skis are done, Im bored, they're outside covered in snow probably sayin WFT is this ********. Got tired of scraping frost and snow in the mornings. Were headin out Wed around 11 am, shoud be there 11 pm or so that night. Im Stoked!
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