Can you make it where a new window opens for the clicked auction? Done.
SuperJETT So long and thanks for all the fish Location none Oct 11, 2007 #21 monoshock said: Can you make it where a new window opens for the clicked auction? Click to expand... Done.
monoshock said: Can you make it where a new window opens for the clicked auction? Click to expand... Done.
S sflsurfrider Oct 11, 2007 #22 SuperJETT said: Wow, I made a change to the site and noone has bitched about it, yet. I'm blown away, seriously! Click to expand... dude, just run the site or dont.
SuperJETT said: Wow, I made a change to the site and noone has bitched about it, yet. I'm blown away, seriously! Click to expand... dude, just run the site or dont.
MADMAT Location Ohio Oct 11, 2007 #23 LOL. This showed up in the ads.
LOL. This showed up in the ads.
monoshock Location Lake City TN Oct 12, 2007 #24 Superjet auction. lol
Superjet auction. lol
subseawellhead Cherry Bomb Jackazz Location Louisiana Oct 12, 2007 #25 thanks for lookin out for us lots of time and effort sorry i voted no:smashfreakB: