Electrical issues


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have limited experience with electrical issues. Im stuggling with my x2, and could use some help. I believe the motor is from a 96stx. Its a big pin with matching electronics.

I am having very inconsistent issues. I was having intermittent cranking. Battery is old and could be a weak link but i start and run my skis on it right after working on my x2. Its been on the charger. I dont think its the issue.

Ski cranks when jumping the relay.
My switch tests out with the multimetere, no resistance.
Thought it was the plug so i opened the box and tested from the bullet connectors, no resistance.
I thought my solinoid was bad, i removed it and tested on the battery, black negative red positive, clicked everytime, terminals tested no resistance while engaged.
Fuse was not blown, replaced it anyway, i believe i tested the holder correctly, no resistance.
switch runs throuh the rectifer, thouht it could be related, unsure how to test. I did plug the wire from the switch into the wire from the solinoid and there were still times it didnt crank.
i thought my stator plug was bad, put meter in both sides of each lead, all tested no resistance.
the "wiggle test" doesnt seem tk change my situation at all. It works or doesnt at random.
thouht it was a ground issue (stator above) so i connected a ground from the motor to the box, still no cranking. Also cleaned the bolt the grounds in the ebox connect to.

Everything i have tested consistantly test with no resistance, ive never tested something and it not shown no resistance, both when the ski is and is not workjng but This problem is inconsistant. Sometimes i get nothing, sometimes it cranks. Im unsure what else to test.

Right now the ski is cranking, but it was doing that yesterday and i thought i had it fixed. Then this morning it had stopped working again. Now it is working, but nothing i have done caused it. I am leaning towarda the fuse harness, but it was inconsistant on cranking even when i bypassed it.

I had it running 2 hours ago. I tried to start it again a few minutes ago, and it cranks but with no spark. Not sure why i suddenly lost the spark, havent tried to dx that. Got frustrated and said f it.

Any thought?
I've had the random no crank issue before Ina 650, ended up being a very unreliable battery on its last legs.. Replaced it and all was good Togo. Not sure about no spark though.

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new jersey
U said u cleaned ebox bolts-

what about battery terminals?

Sounds simple but a battery that tests good on meter might have intermittent power ( vibration from engine ) if there's a film of oxidation.

Might look clean , but hit it w/ sandpaper-terms and cable ends

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Thanks for the replies.

Yes, terminals are clean.

I don't think its the battery as my B1 and SJ start consistently w/o issues, but I'm getting a new battery as soon as I can figure out where a deka dealer is.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I was able to get the spark back today by messing with the stator plugs inside the Ebox. I had tested the plug by sticking my multimeter in the back side of each of the leads and it tested out, but I still think they are bad.
I had that with my old 650sx too. I found that it wasn't so much a near spent battery but more of a reduced voltage battery to be the culprit. I had to frequently keep my battery charged thoroughly to prevent the issue. For some reason, some of those electronics sets are much more sensitive to voltage than others. Everything you did, I did as well and ended up finding that the only cure was a fully charged battery. Even if the battery is new, a reduction in volts to the slightest amount and the ski would be finicky on starting.
Vumad, should your ebox have corrosion inside, you must clean/ scrape all electrical connections, then apply some grease (or "no-corrode"- an electrical corrosion inhibitor). I always use regular grease,- dielectric grease is for high voltages- it does not conduct,
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