what's you overall rating on the eme hull, and seting up the drive train??
Setting up the drive train went well. I had JJ's help on that part and it went pretty smoothly. JJ just had to cut the shaft extension by a fraction of an inch to get the engine to sit a little further back.
I rode the ski today for the first time in the flat and some surf. All I can say is WOW!
This hull wants to flip and it is super fun to ride. Jumps out of the water.
The surf riding is going to take a lot of getting use to. Recovering from landings is tough and turning into waves is a lot more sketchy with this hull.
The ski gets HIGH though and I can definitely see potential in the surf. I just need more time on it.
The hull feels super strong. Once I get a little more time on it, I will make a video and post my honest review of the hull, including the pros and cons.