engine assembly question


Lexington, KY
I'm putting a 61x together, and needed to know what you use between the cases as a gasket. Also, what do you put on the crank seals? I know this has been covered before, but I can't find it now. :boggled:


So long and thanks for all the fish
Permatex Hylomar HPF for the cases and seals too, with a little grease between the rear seals.


SuperJETT said:
Permatex Hylomar HPF for the cases and seals too, with a little grease between the rear seals.

where do you get that???


So long and thanks for all the fish
Most automotive stores carry it, just a $3.49 tube in the sealant section. It's kinda new, maybe a few years so a lot of people don't know about it.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hylomar® is a polyester polyol–based compound that turns from a gel into flexible putty within minutes of application. Originally developed by Rolls Royce, where it performed under the most stringent aerospace tolerances, Hylomar brings superior qualities to automotive applications. Its non-hardening formula maintains seal integrity even when subjected to thermal distortion and vibration. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hylomar is impervious to oil, gasoline, glycol and other engine fluids. Hylomar is oxygen-sensor safe, seals gaps .01" or less, and performs at constant temperatures up to 600°F. With Hylomar, components are assembled, reused and reassembled with ease. Use Hylomar for thin gaps without a gasket or as a gasket dressing. It holds the gasket in place during assembly as well as giving a great seal. [/FONT]​


SuperJETT said:
Most automotive stores carry it, just a $3.49 tube in the sealant section. It's kinda new, maybe a few years so a lot of people don't know about it.

awesome.... thanks


makin' legs
SuperJETT said:
Permatex Hylomar HPF for the cases and seals too, with a little grease between the rear seals.

Threebond 1211 or yamabond 4 is still a MUCH better case sealant than Hylomar. Hylomar is totally non drying and non hardening. It will work fine as long as both surfaces are near perfect. If there are any irregularities you WILL have an air leak. The bonding and sealing characteristics of 1211 are such that as long as you get a bit of squeeze out at all mating surfaces you will not leak. Same goes for Loctite 518(red stuff). It's awesome when things are near perfect but will not work well with any significant gaps. It cures anaerobically so if a gap is exposed to air it will not seal. Another advantage of 1211 or yamabond(same thing) is after cure it's impervious to fuel. Hylomar will wipe clean with fuel indefintely. Hope that helps!:biggthumpup:



So long and thanks for all the fish
crammit442 said:
Threebond 1211 or yamabond 4 is still a MUCH better case sealant than Hylomar. Hylomar is totally non drying and non hardening. It will work fine as long as both surfaces are near perfect. If there are any irregularities you WILL have an air leak. The bonding and sealing characteristics of 1211 are such that as long as you get a bit of squeeze out at all mating surfaces you will not leak. Same goes for Loctite 518(red stuff). It's awesome when things are near perfect but will not work well with any significant gaps. It cures anaerobically so if a gap is exposed to air it will not seal. Another advantage of 1211 or yamabond(same thing) is after cure it's impervious to fuel. Hylomar will wipe clean with fuel indefintely. Hope that helps!:biggthumpup:


Have you actually used Hylomar? Gas does not wipe it away....and it will seal imperfections. Been using it for years.


makin' legs
SuperJETT said:
Have you actually used Hylomar? Gas does not wipe it away....and it will seal imperfections. Been using it for years.

Yes I have tried it and fuel, especially race fuel, will indeed wipe it right up. Put some on a piece of metal and let it dry(it doesn't dry). It will easily clean off w/fuel. I believe it's a good sealant for gaskets and I've used it successfully in that application. I'm not saying not to use it, I just think you may eventually have problems. It doesn't bond and seal the way 1211 does. Not even close.:smile:



Lexington, KY
So anything that works on the cases can also be used on the crank seals?? The cases I bought had white stuff on them that looked like caulk. It was still really soft.
1211 for the cases for sure.

i dont put anything around the outsides of the crank seals, but i do grease the seal lips and between the 2 rear seals.


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
Both Yamabond 4 and Threebond 1211 are what to use...I like Yamabond (or threebond 1104) for building all my motors including strokers with ungodly compression ratio's. I like it as it's much easier to clean off with acetone, as 1211 is takes much more time to clean up to re-assemble again.
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