Engine break in

I know how to break in an engine, I’m just trying to remember a specific method I read about years ago. There was an article, an unusual method of break in. I remember reading it because somebody mentioned it on this site. Anybody know what I’m talking about?

Mike W

North Florida
Some guys like to do overly complicated breakins involving cool down periods. Keep it simple, The first tank 32:1 mix and no more than 1/4-1/2 throttle and alternate your speed not sustaining the same speed for extended period. The second tank no more than 3/4 throttle except for a very brief wot blasts. Third tank, send it.
ride it like you stole it right after it has warmed up.
go wfo for short runs and vary throttle a lot but ride it hard.
the idea is to build up high cylinder pressure to seat the rings properly.this won't take but a few minutes.
20 min idle, cool down
20min varying to 1/4 throttle, cool down totally
20min varying to 1/2 throttle, cool down totally
20min varying to 3/4 throttle, cool down totally
20min varying to full throttle, cool down totally
Ride it like you stole it
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