Engine builders and poor communication!

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with your communication. I usually make first contact by phone and then switch to email for the updates and finer details.

Judging from the responses, preferred method of communication varies with each business. Personally, I will very seldom answer the phone but then again, I don't have a business phone, I carry a phone my full time job pays for. I am allowed to use it for personal business but I try to keep it to a minimum. Plus I work odd hours so I may be active when others are not and unavailable when most are.

That being said, I reach out a lot via email, facebook, or PM and do have issues where I don't get a response. As much as I hate to pick up a phone, it usually means that I have encountered one of those people who prefers the phone and then I get great results.

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with your communication. I usually make first contact by phone and then switch to email for the updates and finer details.

Judging from the responses, preferred method of communication varies with each business. Personally, I will very seldom answer the phone but then again, I don't have a business phone, I carry a phone my full time job pays for. I am allowed to use it for personal business but I try to keep it to a minimum. Plus I work odd hours so I may be active when others are not and unavailable when most are.

That being said, I reach out a lot via email, facebook, or PM and do have issues where I don't get a response. As much as I hate to pick up a phone, it usually means that I have encountered one of those people who prefers the phone and then I get great results.

Thanks for your initial and second reply. I always appreciate your post, your wise and your approach to topics shows this.

Unfortunately phone calls are difficult right now. I do have access occasionally but I have to use a calling card and those get expensive. Fortunately internet is plentiful these days, even though its $125 a month for 1mbps, its available and that im thankful for.

I think we are on track now. I just had to vent a little! I do not have a single like minded person to talk skis with here...
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