Engine Considerations as upgrade for 440?

I was googling and talking to a buddy and since the experts on this forum talked me out of carbon hull for my 440 (for good reasaon), I am now either going to follow the advice of some and buy a superjet or maybe just upgrade the engine now.

Through my googling and through reassessing finances, i can actually come up with maybe $7k for an upgrade. I read about I think its called an Ice cream engine (I am sure thats not right but I read that somewhere). I found some information on the ice cream engine and also read another called the Dazza or something but didnt find as much so i am focusing on the ice cream as the way to go.

has anybody done this with a 440? can you do a backflip with the ice cream upgrade?

thanks (again) in advance,


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
"can you do a backflip with the ice cream upgrade?" LOL
Can't tell if you're serious. You're probably thinking Xscream and dasa.
People are gonna tell you the same poop because it's the truth. The easiest and most logical route for you to take is to get a superjet with a 701,even a complete stock 701 superjet with a prop would be a very good start. Don't just think you're gonna hop on a ski and do a flip. It ain't that easy.. How long have you been riding a 440? Have you completely outgrown it and right now your progress is hindered due to lack of power?
If you're ready to upgrade, a superjet will satisfy you quite a bit due to what it is capable, even stock(with footholds) Start with a quick steer mod, get good and tight and quick turns, both at high and mid speeds. Start working on hitting your setup wake, and also doing 180 hops(alternative to a set up wake once you start backies), then start working your way to stabs off of your own wake, and practice getting perfect timing. Get comfortable being inverted! You need to be extremely comfortable with your ski before you start thinking about a flip. In the mean time, when you think you're needing some more power, add a pipe and a head.. You'll be satisfied for a while. Once you feel very comfortable, throw it all into an am hull, get comfy with the hull and motor setup, then work your way up from there!
For what it's worth, I rode a carbon superfreak circus with a piped and total loss ignition 701 and it felt soooooooo much more powerful than the 701 in my square. A lightweight/shorter agile hull is totally different. I have legitimately heard of people having too big of an engine to actually master their hull, so it was actually inhibiting their progress..
"can you do a backflip with the ice cream upgrade?" LOL
Can't tell if you're serious. You're probably thinking Xscream and dasa.
People are gonna tell you the same poop because it's the truth. The easiest and most logical route for you to take is to get a superjet with a 701,even a complete stock 701 superjet with a prop would be a very good start. Don't just think you're gonna hop on a ski and do a flip. It ain't that easy.. How long have you been riding a 440? Have you completely outgrown it and right now your progress is hindered due to lack of power?
If you're ready to upgrade, a superjet will satisfy you quite a bit due to what it is capable, even stock(with footholds) Start with a quick steer mod, get good and tight and quick turns, both at high and mid speeds. Start working on hitting your setup wake, and also doing 180 hops(alternative to a set up wake once you start backies), then start working your way to stabs off of your own wake, and practice getting perfect timing. Get comfortable being inverted! You need to be extremely comfortable with your ski before you start thinking about a flip. In the mean time, when you think you're needing some more power, add a pipe and a head.. You'll be satisfied for a while. Once you feel very comfortable, throw it all into an am hull, get comfy with the hull and motor setup, then work your way up from there!
For what it's worth, I rode a carbon superfreak circus with a piped and total loss ignition 701 and it felt soooooooo much more powerful than the 701 in my square. A lightweight/shorter agile hull is totally different. I have legitimately heard of people having too big of an engine to actually master their hull, so it was actually inhibiting their progress..
argh...what an idiot I am, yeah, I suppose xcream and not ice cream. thanks for clarifying!

I have not been riding that long, I consider myself a beginner at least as far as tricks go. I have some money right now and before my whore ex tries to get at some of it I figure I may as well put some of towards an upgrade for a sport that I really do see myself sticking with.

And honestly, thanks for the pointers on the tricks I should be focusing on. I may instead just visit lakes in the Orange and San Diego county areas where people really are doing flips and hopefully i can learn just from watching and getting tips, at least from those not too self righteous to help a newbie.

thanks again!


TigerCraft FV-PRO
Baby steps, sounds like your far from flipping. As far as upgrades, don't waste any money on a 440. Buy a superjet.
Mikesee, don't take this the wrong way, but slow down, read every thread in this forum, and think about what your saying and want to do. Your starting multiple threads, all with the same basic question. A couple hours ago you had $1500 to spend on a carbon 440 hull and now your saying you have $7k to spend on and engine that the pump in your ski will never handle.

We still don't know what type of riding you want to do, other than back flipping. Are you going to be doing flat water or surf flips? Big difference in the type if boat and setup you will need.

There are plenty here willing to help, but your going to have trouble getting them to keep responding to the same basic question in 5 different threads.

All that being said, if you have $7k to spend then buy a RTR (that's ready to run) used ski and go learn to ride. You can get a lot of boat for $7k
Mikesee, don't take this the wrong way, but slow down, read every thread in this forum, and think about what your saying and want to do. Your starting multiple threads, all with the same basic question. A couple hours ago you had $1500 to spend on a carbon 440 hull and now your saying you have $7k to spend on and engine that the pump in your ski will never handle.

We still don't know what type of riding you want to do, other than back flipping. Are you going to be doing flat water or surf flips? Big difference in the type if boat and setup you will need.

There are plenty here willing to help, but your going to have trouble getting them to keep responding to the same basic question in 5 different threads.

All that being said, if you have $7k to spend then buy a RTR (that's ready to run) used ski and go learn to ride. You can get a lot of boat for $7k

thanks, I don't take it the wrong way, I am know I am a mess and ADHD is not my friend.

I can't promise I won't post more annoying and contradictory threads but will try.

Is craigslist the place to look for skis i assume?
OMG just buy a Superjet already! Any Superjet. Just stop dreaming that you can just flip a ski by spending money. SKILL and BALLS are required.
i don't have skills you are right but I think i have balls I am pretty sure. In fairness, I still think I can pull off a backflip with enough practice especially with an ice cream engine upgrade, even if some think its a waste of money...i like to have different types of things which is why i am still going to consider an engine upgrade.

Also in fairness, i have not had much experience even watching people do backflips so I might think its easier than it is, even with the engine upgrade. I know my starting off on the wrong foot didnt help but from browsing the board, it seems some pretty damn good riders ride in san diego. where is that lake that has many of those pictures posted? I think I know but dont want to make the trip unless confirmed. thanks
I applaud the mindset that you want to be different, but you also don't have the knowledge to build a different ski than the norm. All the guess work is taken out when you build a proven combo.

If you really want to flip a 440 your going to have to learn to do glass work and totally rework the pump tunnel to accept a pump in the 148-155 range, then reinforce entire ski, then spend $5-10k on a pump, pipe, engine, and the list goes on and on and on.

If you have time and money to waste then by all means go ahead. Build a 440. Odds are after 2-300 man hours and many thousands if dollars you will be so fed up with the sport and you will be wishing you just bought a RTR boat and spend your time riding



World's Oldest Teenager
San Diego, CA.
MikeSee, I will probably not be there much in the coming weeks, with World Finals approaching.
But, I suggest you get ahold of RubberToe, Jet Fiend, Dyno, Mikeasaki, or Fisher Enemy...they might be able to help you.
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MikeSee, I will probably not be there much in the coming weeks, with World Finals approaching.
But, I suggest you get ahold of RubberToe, Jet Fiend, or Fisher Enemy...they might be able to help you.

woah! World Finals? I would love to be able ride at half that level and hope i can one day, and hopefully my upgrades get me closer.

thanks for the info on the other riders...if they are at mission bay that works too since at least for now, most anybody is better than me and i can learn from them too.


X-H20 certified
San Diego
If you'd like I could give aquaholics phone#and home address ?this way you two could talk turkey .or you could just leave my name out of it ?
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If you'd like I could give aquaholics phone#and home address ?

I don't know if you are joking or not, I am assuming you are but the last thing I need after now being on good terms with him is to come across as a stalker.

Are you going to ride then at Mission bay this weekend? if so, would it be ok if i come hang out with you guys?


X-H20 certified
San Diego
Not stalkerish in the least . Hey I'm just trying to be as helpful as the Aquaholic is being . It's hard though as he has plenty of time on his hands for such tasks .
Not stalkerish in the least . Hey I'm just trying to be as helpful as the Aquaholic is being . It's hard though as he has plenty of time on his hands for such tasks .
well, maybe not but i would rather meet him first in person. i am now thinking about going to the world finals to see some serious riding and hopefully meet some of the guys from this board


X-H20 certified
San Diego
Meet him So he can help you with your ski or just going to cut to the chase and make a skin suite out of him ?
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