Quick background - engine is a 61x/62t that has 19 hours on the clock since a full rebuild with a new crank from JM.
Was out riding and dropped power but made it back to shore. Pulled it into the garage and started troubleshooting. Compression check passed initially (190/190), went through fuel system, one of the spark plug boots was marginal so I dropped in a new yamaski coil. I then pulled the head for a quick visual and both pistons looked good. Re-assembled the ADA with new o-rings and then proceeded to see if the new coil fixed it.
Ski started but was still not running properly. Back to compression test again and had issues front -190 and rear 170. Figured I had pinched an o-ring so pulled the head again and found a new ding from just the 30-45 second of run time :

Time for a full teardown to see what is going on. Turns out that both screws from a reed stop had backed out and went through the rear cylinder. Damage to top of piston and top ring.

The cylinder itself seems to have survived with no scaring or groves:

If the bottom end/crank checks out can I just get a new piston and be back in action? I do run a b-pipe but will flush that if I don't find the other screw in the cases.
The reeds came with the previous motor but I did check all of the screws prior to re-using them. What would have caused those screws to back out? Do I need to pull all of the screws and drop some blue loctite on them? Actually were they even assembled correctly since they already had the carbon fiber pedal limiter?
Any other insights or things to look out for?
Was out riding and dropped power but made it back to shore. Pulled it into the garage and started troubleshooting. Compression check passed initially (190/190), went through fuel system, one of the spark plug boots was marginal so I dropped in a new yamaski coil. I then pulled the head for a quick visual and both pistons looked good. Re-assembled the ADA with new o-rings and then proceeded to see if the new coil fixed it.
Ski started but was still not running properly. Back to compression test again and had issues front -190 and rear 170. Figured I had pinched an o-ring so pulled the head again and found a new ding from just the 30-45 second of run time :

Time for a full teardown to see what is going on. Turns out that both screws from a reed stop had backed out and went through the rear cylinder. Damage to top of piston and top ring.

The cylinder itself seems to have survived with no scaring or groves:

If the bottom end/crank checks out can I just get a new piston and be back in action? I do run a b-pipe but will flush that if I don't find the other screw in the cases.
The reeds came with the previous motor but I did check all of the screws prior to re-using them. What would have caused those screws to back out? Do I need to pull all of the screws and drop some blue loctite on them? Actually were they even assembled correctly since they already had the carbon fiber pedal limiter?
Any other insights or things to look out for?