Want to Buy Engine-Tech 94.5mm Pistons

Looking for ET 94.5mm pistons to go in an ET1107
Contact Pierre Maixent on facebook owner of MX100 factory,
I know he is having parts produced for ET engines,
i also use ET engines and i source from him now

Contact Pierre Maixent on facebook owner of MX100 factory,
I know he is having parts produced for ET engines,
i also use ET engines and i source from him now

Spoke to him, told me that he will receive sleeves and 94mm pistons in 4 weeks.
But no 94.5mm pistons
it's a bad situation, we have to find an alternative
Agreed. So sad what happened to Art, and it's obvious now the impact he had on the freestyle community. I tried to email ET and I got an email back from Jordan Twinney stating that Art was a one man show and ET is no longer taking orders for PWC parts.
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