Super Jet Epic scupper valve install on SN Superjet


Ride, Wrench, Repeat
San diego
Just bought a 90 Superjet and rebuilt it. Part of the build was installing an Epic Scupper Valve.

The Scupper valve was $99 and is a really nice looking part that uses strong magnets to pull it shut so it doesn't leak. you need to also buy a length of 2" PVC pipe that slightly longer than the distance from the back of your hull to your bulkhead ( got miune from home depot).

First you drill a hole using a 3" hole saw.



then you take you PVC pipe and cut the end into teeth using a jigsaw...


Then use the PVC pipe to drill the hole in the foam by twisting it. You have to pull it out a couple of times to empty the foam but it's really easy. I used a level to make sure I was drilling the hole at the right angle to hit the bulkhead near the bottom of the hull.


Once you have the hole drilled in the foam and have hit the bulkhead, I used a long drill extension (picked it up at home depot) with a 2 1/2" hole saw to drill the hole in the bulkhead from the back.


This is the hole in the bulkhead. Note how I had not removed any more foam than necessary. Doing it this way means you don't have to reform.


Now you cut the end of the PVC on a diagonal ( about 1/4") to match the angle of the back of a SN Hull. Then you use two part marine epoxy to glue the scupper valve to the end of the pipe. I take the flap of so there's no chance of glueing the scupper valve shut.



Now test fit the scupper valve. It should fit flush to the hull. Mine wasn't quite flush so I heated the pipe with a heat gun and bent it until it fit flush.


Fit the scupper in and then mark the length of the pipe by leaving about 1/4 inch sticking into the engine bay. Cut the pipe to length and then use the two part epoxy to glue the scupper end and the engine bay end in place. Put the flap back on and you're done.... Pretty easy right?


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How reliable are these? What are the chances of it malfunctioning and filling my engine compartment up with water? I'm not sure if I like the idea of having a straight threw hole in my hull that water could get into if something happens to the scupper door. Can someone please explain? Thanks


Ride, Wrench, Repeat
San diego
I haven't had it long enough to tell how reliable it is. The epic scupper uses magnets to pull it shut so of all the scuppers it should be the most reliable in terms of sealing up. I never leave my ski in the water anyway so I don't worry if it leaks anyway. I've looked in the engine bay while the ski was in the water and didn't see any leaks.


Sionis Industries
Dumb Question...But If you drill a 3" hole in the rear and use a 2 inch pipe, I am assuming the outer billet housing fills the void and centers the tube in the rear hole. However since the pipe is still 2 inches and you drill a 2 1/2" hole in the bulk head, Isn't there in theory a 1/2 inch sizeable gap between the outer pvc tube and the inside surface of the bulkhead hole? -You just slop up adheasive to correct this? -wouldn't you just use a 2 inch hole saw? -Chime in if I am wrong, Unless the inner diameter of the pvc is actually 2" and the O.D is 2 1/2"...

FYI: On mine I plan on plugging mine off inside at the bulkhead if I am letting it sit in the water for long periods of time, I ride lakes and rivers. My skis tend to sit in the water for hours at a time on the rope or next to the boat, depending what I riding at the time. I have enough room to access the pipe and plug it, If i need extra peice of mind...

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Ride, Wrench, Repeat
San diego
Dumb Question...But If you drill a 3" hole in the rear and use a 2 inch pipe, I am assuming the outer billet housing fills the void and centers the tube in the rear hole. However since the pipe is still 2 inches and you drill a 2 1/2" hole in the bulk head, Isn't there in theory a 1/2 inch sizeable gap between the outer pvc tube and the inside surface of the bulkhead hole? -You just slop up adheasive to correct this? -wouldn't you just use a 2 inch hole saw? -Chime in if I am wrong, Unless the inner diameter of the pvc is actually 2" and the O.D is 2 1/2"...

FYI: On mine I plan on plugging mine off inside at the bulkhead if I am letting it sit in the water for long periods of time, I ride lakes and rivers. My skis tend to sit in the water for hours at a time on the rope or next to the boat, depending what I riding at the time. I have enough room to access the pipe and plug it, If i need extra peice of mind...

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You are correct that the outer billet housing outside diameter is 3" and the outside diameter of the PVC pipe is 2 1/2 ".

You may not need the plug with this scupper valve. I don't leave my ski in the water for long periods of time but I have had it sitting in the water with the hood of and watched the PVC pipe for leaks and did not see any major ones. It's hard to tell because there is always some water in the engine bay.
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