Ever had this happen with oil?


pew pew lazers!
So Utah
Last info, I have dyno over 30 different two stroke motors from 50cc to 1300 cc.
Not one of them didn't make more power with more oil. 16to1 made the most peak power in every motor I have tested it on.
But anything more then 28to 1 gets to be jetting issues for low end response
So 32to1 has been the best compromise for power and ease of tune.

im glad that some people know that more oil makes more power.

it seals the piston and rings better.
not to mention it makes EVERYTHING last longer.
I have a news flash for all you who praise all these synthetics.
There is not one synthetic on the market that has a complete molecule chain.
The only two stroke oil that does is castor!!
What does a complete chain mean, it means it will draw to heat not repel.
You all wanna do a cheap easy test of how great your oil is.
Take metal plate and heat it with torch from the bottom get it 300 deg take cap full of your oil and drop on the hot spot. You will see your synthetic oil bead up and run from heat like water on gortex jacket.
Castor will pull into the heat.
So if your motor is in perfect tune and you have no hot spots you will praise your synthetic oil. Soon as you need it it's gonna pack up and run like street hooker when cops show up. Leaving your piston to nicely coat your cylinder with aluminum friction transfer.

Castor will have some blending issues with some fuels but it won't let you down when your motor needs it most.

Last info, I have dyno over 30 different two stroke motors from 50cc to 1300 cc.
Not one of them didn't make more power with more oil. 16to1 made the most peak power in every motor I have tested it on.
But anything more then 28to 1 gets to be jetting issues for low end response
So 32to1 has been the best compromise for power and ease of tune.

What about mixing castor with low specific gravity race fuel? C12 for example is less than the min recommended s.g. (.735 is what castor calls for), in theory it could separate like in the o.p. but i know riders have done this for years with no trouble.
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I've never had 927 drop out of anything but 100ll, and that only happened one time. I dug a can of vp110 out the other day that had 927 mixed in it for 2 years and it was still suspended. I think the one time I had it drop out was in the winter so the deicer theory sounds legit.

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