Exhaust leak causing Kawi 750 to halt throddle? Please help

I got a 94 Kawi 750sx that just underwent a tuneup and I hit up the water for the first time today. I was riding around for 10-15 minutes beautifully until I pulled in for my friend to ride the ski. As I was heading in, I hit the throttle hard and I had no response. The engine was clearly responding to the throttle but it couldnt move any faster than it was. I quickly decided to pull the ski in to inspect it. I opened up the hood to find a cracked hose collar on the Factory pipe. Exhaust would leak through there too. The pipe was pretty hot there where the leak was and would steam if water touched it.

Could the hose collar's deterioration have caused my ski not to fully accelerate when I gunned it? I'm new to skis and I'm tryin to learn, any help would be appreciated!

The first pic is before I took it in the water, the last 2 is after I took it out.



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yeah the same thing happened to me.

What happens is the exhasut leaks into the engine compartment and when you open the throttle its supposed to let more fresh air into the carb but its letting the exhaust fumes in and that bogs down the ski and causes it to stall.


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
That coupler looks like it had a little age on it. No big deal. Couplers have to be replaced from time to time. To answer your question, yes, that will make your ski run like crap.


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
It's kinda hard to tell from the pic, but it looks like your pipe mount is a bit loose. This may be letting your chamber move around a little too much, which could shorten the coupler life. Just a thought.
you may have a water blockage somewhere. thatd cause the pipe to overheat and sizzle, which would cases the coupler to get too hot and break, which would cause exhaust gasses in the bilge, which would make the ski run like ass.
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