Custom/Hybrid Exhuast routing help seadoo HX convertion gsx limited 947/951 engine

hey guys its been a few years since I played with my skis or projects , but I'm getting motivated again and pulled out my old HX project I thought it be simpler to scrap the idea of a yamaha 1200cc in the hx and just drop in the guts (pump, engine, mpem) from a seadoo gsx limited I had sitting here, bad idea
, it was no simpler then the Yamaha 1200 engine , I still have the exhaust issue . On the HX exhaust runs down left side of the ski however on the GSX limited 947 engine the hard pipe or stinger feeds out on the right side of ski . I could have sworn there used to be some threads on HX conversion year ago but can't find them now Any advice, pictures would be welcome how to route the exhaust

How are others routing the hard sting exhaust form right side to the exhaust tube on left side for a HX?


NE Tenn
There used to be a guy in fla that did a lot of work on the Hx's.He was on the X if l remember correctly and was on pwctoday too.
I think that was the guy at waterworks (I can't think of his real name now) in fort pierce/psl Florida but I'm not sure what happened to him after his shop closed . It's been a few years since I been around the ski world

I think I have one of the white pipes that run down the left side I considered using to but the pipe is so much smaller and I'm not sure how that would effect the bigger engine worried it may restrict exhaust to much that's why I am looking for ideas how other did theirs.

Someone over on PWC posted picture said I can modify the hx waterbox and run exhaust down right side , so far that's the only idea so probably what I try unless some other idea comes along
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