Extreme 1 year olds



This one was funny DJ. So what did the lil rascal end up being for Halloween?
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Cleveland Ohio
Well, he is 3 and learned to ride his bike without training wheels after destroying them off-roading. :bananalama:



Arlington TX
Cool video, editing is fun... glad to know there are other members who enjoy hanging with their kids.

My 2 y/o daughter is getting a strider bike for Christmas.
Looking forward to these times with my boys, It awesome watching them grow up and learn new skills. My older son is almost three and already convinced my ski is HIS ski and I just ride it for him. I have to keep it in the garage year round and even had to make a lower stand so he can play on it every day when we get home. The wife freaked out when he started doing hood tricks the other day LOL
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