Factory B pipe install

Just received my factory pipe that I ordered last fall. I have a stock 2004 superjet 62t case. The bolt holes in the new exhaust manifold are 8mm but the bolts on my ski are 10mm. From what I have read on here I should drill the 6 holes on the new manifold to 10mm and install helicoils on the top center bolts and use m8x1.25 hardware. I didn’t see any options when ordering the pipe so I am assuming they only make one. Just want to confirm before I start modifying expensive parts. Any advice will be much appreciated.

john zigler

Vendor Account
All you have to do is screw in 8 mm Helicoils into the Cylinder Block Exhaust Bolt Holes. The Helicoils screw into the 10 mm Holes. No need for tapping new Threads.

Then you can use 8 mm Bolts without doing any drilling on the Exhaust Manifold.

This and don't forget to port match the manifiold to your cyl. 62t cyl has taller exh ports.
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