Super Jet Factory B pipe Question Again...


Try to google or another to find my answer but with no luck

Got a superjet 701 with One cooling line in!

Install a ada head with 2 holes for water ,

no flow controll

its steamin hot when i poor some water on the chamber , very hot indeed!

My waterlines are now

pump to exhoust manifold, head1 to lower headpipe , head2 to frontchamber and pisser1 with a Y-cross , upperheadpipe to pisser 2

it almost only comes water out from the pisser1 and just some "fjutts" of water from pisser 2

my pipe was really god with OEM head but not now :(

what is the correct way to do this?

My pipe is now totaly close on bottom screw , just alittle open on middle screw , and almost full open on top screw

Thanks for answers!

Best regards!
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Get Wet
Bay Area, CA
Do a search in here for the bpipe and cooling. There are some good diagrams and how to route your waterlines. If no luck there try backflushing your lines and see if maybe they're clogged. Next step would be to change the Settings on your exhaust manifold open up the screws to let more water through.
but it wuold really dosent mather how the routing is ? just gonna more/less bubbles?

gonna remove the head tomorrow then and have a look about that, but the ski runs "great" but hot , its the setup all close exept the bottom one ?
try to release the screws on the pipe to giv it some more water , but they stuck bigtime,

mabye its running alittle lean?
I assume you have seen the attached water routing diagram before.

It looks like your O-ring/s could be failing. Difficult to get a good read based on the photo.
If it is, you will be running very lean and hot. You would never be able to tune the pipe if its running lean.
Once you are sure the head is sealing properly, then you can start tuning.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
That diagram doesn't work for you. You don't have dual cooling. Wye the 2 lines off the head to the one line on the pipe.

I just went through this very same problem. No information online or here was of any help. I was rolling steam off my motor, head pipe, chamber, everything. I was bound to overheat and damage something. The only advice I could get is "That should not be happening" but no corrections. So I Upgraded to dual cooling.

It wasn't until after I dismantled my ski, paid $75 for taps on my pump and manifold and put everything back together than I was given a cause ( by Chuckie, supertune), so I can't promise you a correct answer, but please try this and report back...

You ski is over heating because you have a single cooling in but dual cooling out. You preheat all of the water as it goes into the motor, and then you send it to the pipe. This makes the pipe run hotter than parallel cooling. Well, now you have taken that hot water in the motor, split it in half, and only send half of the available water to the pipe. You've bumped the compression, put on a pipe, turning an extra 1000rpm, 10 HP, and all the while, you have cut the cooling to the pipe in half. The motor is hot because the pipe is overheating and transferring that heat back to the motor.

Get a Wye, connect the 2 lines off the head to the one line on the pipe via a wye.
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