Factory b pipe repair question

Im replacing the 3 water screws on my head pipe. I let them soak in penetrating fluid and was able to extract 2 of the 3. The 3rd is to the point of drilling out. An ez out isnt able to get it and there wasnt enough left to start off with vise grips. Whats everyones best method of doing this? I see blowsion has oversized replacements, but no description of the process, at least on their site. Do i need to worry about drilling to far? Or any other proceed with caution advise?
West MI
I'm pretty sure JM has the oversized replacements, too, and if it were me, I'd go that route over blowsion any day of the week. Just FWIW.
If you have access to a tig welder then you could weld the nut to what's left of the water adjustment screw and back it out that way. If you get the oversize kit then it comes with the instructions as well as a drill bit with a depth indicator on it on how far to drill. You just want to oversize the threads, the machined portion is the same as the original. I've used the kit before


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Granbury, TX
Don't know how much of a nub you have left, but I got some Vampliers a while back and they are AMAZING! They've got super hard teeth in a curved profile specifically for extracting stripped or broken bolts. Even if they don't work on your pipe screw you'll never regret buying them.

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