failed odyessy!

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
my odyssey pc625 failed today!!! my ski would barly crank and it was fully charged! has this ever happened to anyone? it was purchased brand new in march!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Ha! Here's my obligatory "I told you so".

Sorry. Yes, I have had that happen to two Odyssey batteries.

Linky One

Linky 2

Even though I have an Odyssey battery as my backup to my excellent Jetworks battery, I will not pay another dime for one.
They are junk, in my experience.
I've had the exact same symptoms. Runs fine, next minute it's got no capacity, but full voltage.
It's my understanding that one or more of the metal plates inside breaks at a weld, which causes cessation of current (but voltage is still there).
Good luck getting it warrantied.


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Went to Egret bay on Saturday and my '05 SJ died trying to start, it has a Yeussa battery. I have done zero maint. on it, as it was broken in at the Lanier ride in May (maiden voyage). Took out the Yuessa and it looks like it needs to be topped off, and I guess a charge. Well, took out the Odyssey from the Blaster (which has been connected all season and ridden) and the SJ fired right up. The Odyssey's first use was in March of '05, so it is on its second season. Got less riding in this season than last, but I am happy and have had no problems thus far (knock on wood). Would I buy another, I do not know and do not want to find out any time soon.

Mike Serlin

Call up jetworks and they will tell you what to get. Odyssey stopped replacing my batteries to for the same reason. Also, Make sure to check to make sure the voltage regulator is working properlly by putting a voltmeter on the battery while you rev it out. I killed a couple batteries recently cuz the regulator failed and was trying to charge the battery at 40 volts!!!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I just had my 3rd one fail.

Due to Snackem crossthreading a nut and consequently spinning the terminal loose. :soapbox:
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