fair asking price for 750 sx ?


Chaos on a SJ
wow didnt even noticed the sand castle thingie.. good catch.. ill ask..

id like to see that explanation..ill see if i can talk him down.. otherwise thanks for the tips boys ! if i pass on this, id most likely will wide up with a 650... ill keep ya posted.


Chaos on a SJ
Prices depend on where you live. For example, out here in california i can sell skis for WAY more than what i see them going for on this board!! I sold 2 550s for 1k each last year!! Stock 650 SJs usually go for 1500 u RARLEY find them below 1k.

that is just crazy.. im find all kinds of 650 sx out here from 500- 1000

want a work a deal. ill ship em out west, split 50 50.. haha :biggthumpup:
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