List so far. Closing out tonite. Will need payment by Friday to have them printed and delivered on time.
please send as a gift or include 3% to cover the fees. Willing to ship just let me know before hand so I can give an accurate shipping quote.
liquidforce5010 1 xl green shirt and 1 hoodie
txsuperjetfreak96 1 xl tshirt blue. 1xl hoodie
JMew03 1 xl green shirt and 1 xl hoodie
skinnyman 2 med grey shirts 1 med pink shirt 1 large hoodie
Myk 1 Xl shirt Xl hoodie
QuickMick 1 XL Grey shirt
ritterdc 1 Large green shirt and a medium hot pink shirt
wayne 1 large gray shirt 1 large gray hoodie
lawmaster891 1 med green shirt and one large hoodie
tessa1721 1 Small (men sizing) hoodie in hot pink
a_deleon 1 LG lime green shirt
Roadhazardguy 1 grey hoodie SIZE?