Well then, think about it. You have an extended ride plate which is planing in the center, but you don't have the hull (i.e., the sides) extended so planing at speed is like walking on a fence top, any little lean or deflection and you are going to fall to the side.
Putting on hull extensions, especially with an extended ride plate should, in my speculation, increase the base of support of the ski at the rear (where your body weight is) and make the ski less tippy (i.e., "roll") at speed.
And notice that the ProWatercraft extensions are not a box and, thus, cannot take on water.
@Myself, I love you brother, but your weight (as does mine) exceeds the original design of the 550. It is ok, but you need to increase the hull design i.e., extend the hull. Right now it is like you are doing a wheely on a bicycle at 45 mph. I have experienced what you have experienced on my 550sx and I have decided to add front sponsons, extend the hull with Prowatercraft hull extensions and add Wax's rear sponsons for cornering. See
@Aquaholic Minimonster thread here. He is a little guy. Me at 200 lbs and you at 240 are not little guys. The ski will be fine, but you need to increase the hull length to be stable at speed IMHO.
Just thinking out loud here until others with actual experience comment, like
@Aquaholic @waxhead @fastgtfairlane et al.
This one's not for sale. However, I'd be glad to build you one with this motor! You game? that is super cool! yeah, PM me with prices I still have a minivan to sell to help cover cost. Also, can you remove the aquaholic stuff and replace with engraved Mikesee instead? Last question for now...
P.S. And don't think a FX-1 will solve all of your 550 problems. Don't get me wrong. I love my FX-1. But the FX-1 is an entirely different beast with the quirks of the 550 and then some more of its own . . .
There is a reason that
@Quinc says "Buy a Super Jet"